Best Adult web hosting 2023 – Porn Hosting for Adult Porn Sites

First of all , its really hard to find a hosting service provider who can provide you an Adult web hosting simply because it’s just not the same as hosting regular websites.

Why? you hosting web

This is because not all hosting providers allow adult content on their servers and if you still do it, your account will be banned without any warning. The adult sites are not allowed on a normal web hosting. Additionally, because selling nudes online is still banned in many countries, some people will try to get your sites taken down.

You host needs to be constantly aware of how to monitor servers and sites, to keep them afloat in the year 2023.

So after making hundreds of adult sites and with my 15+ years of experience of making money in adult website industry,  I will help you take one of the most crucial business decision when selling pon online… Picking the right host!

I am making more than $10,000/month  (proofs below) and all this was possible because I took this easy and simple step of buying an Adult/Porn hosting.

Till date I have already worked with 23+ adult hosting companies and just for improving the quality of this article 100 times, I signed up on the top 10 adult hosting providers and tested out the following parameters:

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Signed up on all 10 popular adult hosts   [wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Also monitored their uptime and speed

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Installed blank Wordpress website          [wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Waited for 7 months in order to get reliable data

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Tried out their Customer Support              [wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark” wrap=”i”]Published the results in this article.

Full comparison table (Load time, Server uptime, Customer Support Quality, cost and much more) can be found on this Google Spreadsheet here.(coming very soon)

If you don’t want to waste your time reading this comprehensive article and rather would immediately start working on your money making method , then check out my personal recommendation of choosing Hostgator .

I personally use MojoHost for all my adult sites and trust me shifting to hostgator has made my life 100 times easier then other hosting providers.

Here is the Best Adult Web Hosting

a picture of Mike TriumpWhen you are thinking about making an adult site, then Hostgator is the perfect choice for hosting. Without thinking twice you must go and buy yourself a this high quality hosting.

After spending 11+ years of making adult sites, with a portfolio of almost 1000 adult sites, I have tried and tested each and every hosting in the market which support adult content. Today I am proud to say that all my sites are now hosted on Hostgator ?

Mike (hosting Expert)

Money Back Gaurantee Freebies Best Hosting Plan
45 days Unlimited space and free domain name

If you are not satisfied with Hostgator, then the second best alternative is TMD hosting. This is my preferred hosting service providers if for some reason I am not using Hostgator for my site.

a picture of Mike Triump

Are you Starting a porn site/adult site? and need a hosting apart from Hostgator, then TMD hosting is the perfect choice. Known for their speed and reliability, TMD hosting will supercharge your website.

If I am not using Hostgator on any of my adult site, then my second best choice is TMD hosting.

If speed and amazing customer support is your priority then I will highly recommend you to try this company.

Mike (hosting Expert)

Money Back Gaurantee Freebies Best Hosting Plan
60 days Unlimited space, free domain and ultra fast sites

Digital Ocean

a picture of Mike Triump

If you hate Shared hosting and need the power of VPS at the cost of shared hosting then you must sign up with Digital Ocean.

Also if you don’t have technical skills for setting up or handling a VPS server then sign up on Serverpilot (free $10 credit if you sign up with our link). I have been using Serverpilot for all my adult sites and now I don’t need to hire a VPS guy as Serverpilot makes owning a VPS so simple. You can check the comprehensive guides here: Using Digital Ocean with Serverpilot

Mike (hosting Expert)

Money Back Gaurantee Freebies Best Hosting Plan
30 days Free $10 credit, ultra fast sites, and high performance cheap VPS

Top 10 Best Adult Web Hosting Providers (2018)


WEB host




load time









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TMD Hosting






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Mojo Host






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(Pathetic Performace)





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(Pathetic Performace)





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A2 Hosting






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Here are some tweets to show you how amazing hostgator Hosting is, people are loving it, they have their own views after using the Hostgator:

@HostGator this is really good hosting. I recommended for you guys to use this hosting (Y) #hostgator #hosting #tophosting #hostingkeren

— Dimas Firmansyah (@dimasfirmansyxx) October 13, 2017


The Best WordPress Web Hosting Services of 2017 #hostgator #wordpress #hosting

— Lucile (@XxAmoureuzexX) October 9, 2017


Props to @HostGator for providing quick and friendly support as usual. #best #webhosting #hostgator

— Liberation Iannillo (@thevulgarera) January 8, 2015


Easy payment hosting with #hostgator #hgsticker

— widdy oktavian (@widdyok_) October 25, 2017


Adult web hosting is the reason why my websites are getting thousands of visitors/day: (Traffic stat of just one of my 30+ websites):

Google analytics massive traffic

I am Making thousands of Dollars each month: (Income Proofs):

screenshot of crakrevenue earnings for two months on my account
a table showing income and withdraws from plugrush
And those are just two different programs out of many 😉

How A $100 investment is giving me 10,000% ROI each month:

I invested $100 into a hosting service 11 years back and after struggling, learning and executing the strategies that I teach here on now I can happily say that my $100 was the best investment decision ever.

I wish I had someone who can guide me (like I am doing for you guys). Yes, I can say that I learned everything by my own and now I have 30+ successful running money making websites. Now I am getting lots of traffic and making good money.

If you are serious about making money online, then follow this one single advice of mine: Buy Hostgator hosting and change your life for good.

Few of my tube websites gets 600,000 visits /month and even a one-day website crash means losing hundreds of dollars of money. Also I have various webcam sites, and other adult oriented services website and such problems (slow sites, frequent crashing) was just not acceptable.

What was my reaction after 2 days of testing my site on Hostgator hosting: OH MY GOD IT IS AMAZING ?

Here is what happened to my websites:

Why so many benefits in Hostgator business WordPress hosting for Adult sites?

Hostgator has come up with this new shared business WordPress hosting so that people can enjoy the benefits of cloud hosting at fraction of cost. It is 2.5x faster because of cloud hosting.

Also, bandwidth is unmetered so that is a huge advantage as well. You will also get advanced security and also priority support – two very important things

So what I did next:  Shifted all my adult websites to Hostgator and now I am very happy with the result. Yes, I am a little sad for extra money that I had to spend but it was totally worth it. You can choose any from the above list. I hate you GoDaddy ?

My life , my livelihood, depends on my website. My websites are my bread and butter. All the real money I have made is because of my websites. I would not have seen or even dream of numbers like these in my bank account:

Are you looking for a cheap Adult or porn hosting for your adult porn website?

Although there are many options available, but Hostgator is cheapest among them and also since the company is huge and have been in the industry for long so you can easily trust them. They have much better Support Service I have used it.

Now I will give you an exact step-by-step article on how to buy and start your adult website today.

If you think about a decade behind then creating a website was extremely difficult because of the technicalities involved. These days it has become so easy and convenient to start a porn website that anyone can create and make their adult website, or blog.

I will go step by step and try to explain everything in a simple and easy manner

Things you need:

  1. Adult friendly hosting – I recommend Hostgator since they are affordable and supports porn hosting.
  2. Domain name with WHOIS support – It comes free with hosting.
  3. WordPress installation – Free again.
  4. Adult tube theme – I Recommend detube theme.
  5. Your patience to read this article and also many more articles on this website as I share some amazing tips and tricks how to make real big money in adult space

Hostgator Review – Best Web hosting for Adult sites/ adult porn websites

How to buy adult porn and adult friendly Hostgator hosting – step-by-step guide

You can visit the Hostgator Homepage through following link: Hostgator Porn hosting

Click the WordPress Hosting, see image below

hostgator adult hosting

Although shared web hosting plans are cheaper, but this word press specific hosting comes with power packed features that are worth the few dollars extra. I will highly recommend going for WordPress hosting as it will reap in many benefits later, its really simple to use the WordPress.

There are three plans available:

  1. Starter Plan
  2. Standard Plan
  3. Business plan
[$1000/day guide] How to start a porn site and make money

Now you might be trying to buy the economical one that is starter plan. You can make your decision as per your budget.

If I would have been in your position than I would have done the same.

But let me tell you few things before that, If you go for starter plan then you can only host one website on your hosting and that will become a difficulty as the moment you think of starting another website you will have to buy another hosting.

Also I am very sure once someone enters this online business world creating multiple websites become mandatory for scaling your business and making more money.

I myself have almost 30+ websites right now, (few tube sites, adult affiliate sites, adult blogs, webcam sites etc).

No I keep my high traffic adult tube sites on Hostgaotor business plan and all my other websites on Hostgator cloud hosting (that if more expensive and is required by experienced people like me). So you don’t need to buy more hosting account to host your multiple websites.

The decision is yours but I will recommend you to for​ ​Business hostagor hosting . Click on the Buy now button

Choosing an adult or porn domain name for your website

I hope you have already figured out the domain name if not then check this guide: Buying SEO friendly adult domain name and How to choose a domain name for your website

 Now once you are done with your domain it’s the stage for selecting the time period of your hosting. I will recommend 3 years as for less time you will have to pay more.

  1. As for longer duration company gives you an attractive discount.
  2. Also since the hosting is very powerful sooner or later you will always need a strong hosting. If you buy only for one year then the renewal cost will kill you and will bring a huge burden. I made this mistake and still have regrets for it. Now for my hosting, I have paid for 5 years so that I can enjoy those discount without paying anything extra. I have enough time to be worry about my hosting renewals.

After that add the billing information and select the additional services. Among these services, the ones I highly recommend are:

  1. protect site from hackers
  2. Backup your hard work

I have made the mistakes on not selecting these services to save few dollars and ended up paying thousands of dollars to the security expert when my websites were hacked.

Also, I have lost almost 3 months so if my hard work on one of my website just because I was too lazy to take backups. Using backup service your backups are saved automatically. You dot need SSL certificate so don’t spend any money on that at the initials stage and later you can buy SSL if you wants more customer/users in your website.

You can use the following promo code: MIKE25OFF and get instant 25% discount

If you face any difficulty in purchasing this hosting then feel free to contact me [email protected] , I will be happy to help

If you are still not convinced why Hostgator is best for you then read more:

Here are additional benefits:

  1. Free migration
  2. Global CDN
  3. Amazing live chat support to solve all your problem.
  4. 100% uptime – something that every major service provider strive for.

Buy Hostgator Business Hosting NOW

Adult entertainment industry is growing rapidly and it is forecast-ed to grow even further till 2020.

It has bright future and with the advent of technology/internet and its integration with adult entertainment , new avenues have opened up and people are rushing in to make the most money in this wave.

This is the perfect time to jump in and start your own adult company or business to make easy money online. Before starting the first thing you will need is a porn hosting or an adult friendly web hosting.

Let me give you a list of adult friendly web hosting. Not every web hosting company allows adult content. Let me first define what constitutes adult content:

  1. Any websites that promotes or shows nudity or any adult contents like photos, video etc.
  2. Porn websites, camming websites, adult image boards, tube websites, adult landing pages
  3. Casino, betting are also considered adult in nature by many web hosting providers

Note: Remember child pornography, bestiality , rape, snuff and other similar areas are illegal and hence you might face jail term if your indulge in these.

So if you are following any of the guide on my website then you will need an adult friendly web hosting to start your website, along with the adult domain name. I have compiled a list of all the adult hosting that will allow adult content on their servers:

If you start your porn site or adult website on a website hosting provider that does not allow adult content or porn sites, then very soon your website will get banned and all your hard work will be lost. So its better you follow all the steps here and get started for a long term.

You wont even be allowed to take the backup in order to transfer your website.

So make sure you check the TOS (terms of service) and Privacy policy of every web hosting company before joining. If you choose any company from the above list you don’t have to worry about anything, as they allow adult content on their servers.

Whats the difference between a normal web hosting and adult site web hosting/porn hosting?

Since not all of the web hosting companies want to associate themselves with content that is adult orientated or adult in nature so they do not allow adult content on their servers.

Companies like Bluehost, Siteground which are well established and have big names in hosting space stay away from adult oriented websites, They never allows the adult content on their servers.

What is the best Adult web hosting, porn site hosting? Which hosting do you recommend?

I have been in the adult industry for more than 11 years now and trust me I have tried many different web hosting. Although there are many hosting that is specific for one particular type of websites.

Like if you are looking for a webcam streaming then you need a VPS or a very high power hosting. And the RAM size should be at least 16GB or more with a high end process on server.

But for normal adult websites, the one that I recommend and personally use for almost 30+ adult websites of mine is : ​Hostgator cloud business hosting

Buy hostgator hosting for adult webisite now

Can I use these companies for Adult video hosting?

Majority of the adult websites, be it webcam websites, adult tube websites, clip selling websites work on storage. They need a lot of storage in order to handle those heavy and big adult videos and images.

Hence you need vast storage and speedy website for your visitors.

Adult video hosting providers listed in this article will help you in that. But still before signing up make sure you talk to the sales agents and tell him your requirements. As unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth is crucial for your adult website.

What is the difference between shared and VPS adult website hosting?

VPS stands for Virtual private server and is used by heavy high traffic websites. When you are using a shared hosting for your adult website then you are competing with hundreds of other websites on that particular server for resources. You must have to choose a suitable configuration for your sever.

Because of this limitation shared hosting are cheap. Adult shared web hosting is used by websites which are new or just starting out since the resource requirement is not that great.

Adult VPS web hosting is used by companies which get thousands of visitors per month. Since to handle such huge traffic they need dedicated resources and hence need a Virtual private server.

You must know one thing that working with a VPS requires the expertise of a professional who can set up the VPS for your website and also can take care of day-to-day technical requirements. It should have at least 16GB RAM and a high end process with unlimited bandwidth with unlimited space in the server.

Shared hosting can easily be managed even by a normal non-technical person like you and me. Because of dedicated resources, these VPS hostings are expensive compared to a shared hosting

So go for Adult VPS website hosting only when you have a high traffic website and need your website to run smoothly even if thousands of visitors visit your website at a time. With shared hosting, the growth of your website will be limited.

What are the advantages of Adult VPS hosting:

  1. High-speed servers and resource availability.
  2. Huge bandwidth and disk space.
  3. Many companies allow Adult content on their VPS but not on shared hosting.
  4. VPS can be easily scaled, if you think you website needs more resources then you can easily upgrade your VPS to even better configuration just by paying more.
  5. You are not competing with any other website for bandwidth and resource availability.
  6. Page loading speed improved tremendously and hence you website will be preferred by Google in terms of search engine rankings.

What should I keep in mind before buying my adult web hosting?

Here is a list of all the things you keep in mind before opting for your adult hosting company:

  1. Some companies charge yearly and some monthly and some pay as you go service. So decide which one suits you the best. Also make sure you properly check the refund policy (companies usually have a one month refund policy) so that if you don’t like the hosting performance you are able to get he full refund without any hassle. (I recommend ​Hostgator)
  2. Go for a reputed adult hosting company. Companies like  Arvixe and Coolhandle as they have been in the game for a long time and are reliable but hostgator has came across the best. They are also not heavy on the pocket and have enough experience in the adult space.
  3. Customer service is a big part in any hosting provider. So make sure that the customer representatives are friendly, knowledgeable and your queries are handled easily and perfectly 

There are many adult web hosting companies that will suit your desires and are high in performance. Today I have compiled a list of all of such adult friendly web hosting and you can use any one of them.

I have experience with all of them so I will be able to justify the performance of all. This list will give you a direction and one stop article to find the list of best adult hosting companies for your porn or adult website

Since for adult websites that caters to adult audience, high-speed, storage (because of image and video content) and bandwidth (adult websites gets huge traffic compared to a normal website) are prime importance.

If you decide to buy any of these hosting and need a discount then you can contact me directly and i will help you get the same hosting for a cheaper price. I have special deals that i will only disclose if you contact me through [email protected].

If you don’t want to check the rest of the article and trusts me enough for recommendation then you can directly check out my recommended adult hosting Hostgator

Adult web hosting Rules & regulations

What are legal rules and regulations for adult video hosting?

Adult web hosting and specifically adult video hosting can be grey area and companies need to be careful of what is allowed and what is not allowed.

When filming adult videos or porn videos , creator or producer or director must be aware of all the rules and regulation that governs in their state or country.

Many countries do not allow producing porn while others allow with some restrictions and guidelines. Here are some

As a video hosting company, a good and reliable one will give follow following rules:

  1. Adequate warning and will make sure that minors are not allowed to visit the website.
  2. They must also ensure that all the models, performers in the porn or adult video are of legal age.
  3. Copyrights are not infringed. If you are familiar with adult tube websites then you know how easily these websites are infringing on many copyrights because users are downloading and uploading videos without taking prior permission from the video owner.

What are adult web hosting rules, regulation and guidelines?

Adult hosting industries needs to follow many rules and regulation in order cater to their customers correctly. Similarly for adult content producers it is really important to know them beforehand before launching their adult website and adult content.

Usually adult content is required not to promote rape, incest, bestiality etc in the society and is expected to follow certain law . The problem with law is that they are not universal and they differ from country to country.

The lawyer will be able to guide you in the right direction with the kind of content that is allowed and which is not. This way you can play it safe while also making money.

So you are only safe but is to first hire a lawyer who has expertise in this field and first understand the laws before moving forward with your adult site.

Although there are many rules that are universal in nature and almost all countries have strict laws against it.

  1. Age verification: Before allowing anyone (your website visitor) to enter your website they must first go through a “warning message”. This message is like a disclaimer that the visitor must first verify his/her age before entering the website. As the government does not want the minors to be exposed to pornography and other forms of adult content.
  2. Obscene contents: The website content must follow certain guidelines and standards. For this you need to know the state law what is allowed and what is not.
  3. Child pornography: This is a strictly no-no zone and highly illegal. You will be directly prosecuted if you are in any way found producing, promoting child pornography.

Here I have represented the laws in a tabulated manner for you to easily understand. There might be some factual errors but these have been drafted up to the best of my knowledge.

If any law has been wrongly mentioned please reply in the comments section I will be happy to change it

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About the Author: Mike Triumph


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