If you are interested to sell feet pics, there are many platforms that you can use like you can sell feet pics on Twitter, on Craigslist, and Foap App. But, after you are ready to start selling feet pics, your No.1 question is; how much should I charge people for feet pics? or how much will people pay for my feet pics? There would be different answers to this question but I will explain everything in detail and share some studies of how much people are paying.
Following are some of the factors that determine how much should you charge people for your feet pics;
Your age. An Absolutely no-brainer. A lot of people will pay more if they think you are younger (In your early 20s)
Your social media: Having big social media the following helps you charge more because the person interested in your feet pics could be influenced because you have a good following and that makes you in demand.
What extra you are providing? So let’s say someone wants to see your feet pics, as well as more of you, like your feet and showing other private parts of your body.
If you are just starting or you are an established feet seller?
Some Tips for how much you should charge for selling feet pics?
Following are some of the tips for you to understand the business of feet pics selling:
The industry is competitive but if you put more content, it would help you a lot:
Take, for example, selling feet pics on Instagram, you need to understand that it is hard to compete with other creators who are posting content or their feet pics for years. But, if you want to compete you need to play smart. You need to put more content the ever and after a week or two, you will see huge growth in the number of followers on your social media platforms as well as if you are selling feet pics on platforms like FeetFinder, more people will start buying your feet albums and start subscribing to your FeetFinder page.
It is easy to start and you just need a smartphone and a good looking Feet:
If you reading this there is a 95% chance that you will have a smartphone. All you need is to take great care of your feet pics and start taking different feet pics and upload them on Instagram or other social media platforms.
Reviews of sellers of how much they charge for selling their feet pics?
I have analyzed the Internet for feet pics sellers and let’s see what they think about selling their feet pics and how much they have charged?
One user said that they charged between $1 to $2 per feet pics. Depending upon the nature of the request but according to them, it could be a total of $20 for over 10 to 15 feet pics.
Another user said that they charged between $4 to $5 per feet pics and give a discount on bulk purchases.
Another feet seller shared her experienced and according to her she charges $5 per custom feet pics but if the demands of the buyers are met they are willing to pay even more.
PS: How much should you charge for feet pics?
There is never a single answer to this question but if you are just starting, it is good that you should go for a minimum of $1 to $2 because it helped you get more clients, and with time they might pay you more if you are consistent and cater their demands.
If you are someone who is in demand, you can go for charging more on your custom feet pics like $4 to $5 or even more if you think you are putting in more hard work. Some users might ask you to nail polish your nails and it might cost you money and time so better to charge them more and give them a discount if they are either repeat clients or they are placing a bulk quantity order.
Frequently asked questions about how much to charge selling feet pics:
How much should I charge for selling feet pics as a beginner?
If you are a beginner seller, you can charge between $1 to $2 per feet pic. At this stage, your No.1 goal should be to retain more clients. You can use this money to invest more in your feet or pictures of feet.
How much to charge for feet pictures on Onlyfans?
Onlyfans is a subscription-based platform which means someone can’t buy your feet pic directly but instead they have to subscribe (pay a monthly fee) to view your content. You can charge up to $5 a month and charge $10 to $20 per custom feet picture or video.
How much should someone charge for feet pics?
If you are just starting out, you can charge between $1 to $1, or if you are in demand, you can charge $4 to $5 per feet pic and over $10 to $20 for a custom video foot or something related.
You can also read some of our marketing guides to help you better understand the marketing strategies you can use to promote your feet pics.
A complete guide to selling feet pics on different social media or feet hosted platforms
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