If you are also finding the way to Make Money Doing Adult Chat then this article is for you, read this complete and you will get to know how to make money by this easy method.
On social media, everyone’s connected to friends and family. On the surface, it looks like everyone’s happily interacting with each other, but you’ll be surprised by how many people actually feel lonely online. Reading about the sandwich your cousin had for lunch doesn’t really count as a meaningful interaction.
I think this is why a large number of chat companies are popping up. They address a need for conversation and human interaction that other platforms aren’t providing. These companies hire people to have conversations or chat with paying members. It’s that simple, but it’s big business. Which means companies are hiring, giving you an opportunity to make decent money.
If you have an outgoing personality and can sustain a conversation, you may want to give this a try. But first, let’s address the elephant in the room: some of these sites hire people to flirt with their members, and yes, phone or chat sex is sometimes involved. You’ll have to maintain an emotional connection (or at least give the caller the impression of it) with your caller.
Some people may have a problem with it but think of it as just another type of work interaction. It’s no different than pretending to be interested in an officemate’s vacation story, or when we make ourselves to smile and be friendly to a customer.
If you’re up for this type of job, I’ve compiled a list of companies where you could try applying.
1. MyGirlFund
Despite its name, MyGirlFund is a place where both girls and guys can find sexy, interesting people to interact with. The site caters to people who are too preoccupied with their careers or have little time for real relationships. By joining the site, they can have some no-strings-attached fun.
When you work for MyGirlFund, you can earn pretty good money. You get credits for each reply you send to a member, so be sure to keep the conversations going! The site doesn’t reveal how much their operators make, but Business Insider estimates that amount to be anywhere from $40,000 to $50,000 on the higher end of the earning spectrum.
Link: https://mygirlfund.co
2. Text121Chat
Text121Chat is one of the biggest phone sex providers in the United States. They also provide “safe for work” services like clean SMS and MMS chat, as well as chat topics like Tarot, Trivia, and Anything Answered.
If you’re interested, I can’t recommend Text121Chat enough. The company is super-friendly and professional, which is apparent the moment you check out their website. They also provide training workshops to make sure your work meets industry standards. You can work as many (or as little) hours as you want.
Link: http://text121chat.co
3. Lip Service
Lip Service has been around since 1987… way before the internet became as big as it is today. The company calls itself an “alternative staffing agency” and specializes in hiring and training operators to provide entertainment and companionship to callers. If you speak languages other than English, you’re in luck: Lip Service is looking for operators who are multilingual.
Lip Service also prides itself on its tight-knit, supportive company culture. You can make $0.06 for each message sent, but earning capacity depends on other factors, like whether you take voice calls or not.
Link: http://lipservice.ne
4. FlirtBucks
The name of the site says it all: you flirt, you earn bucks. The nice thing about FlirtBucks, though, is that you’re not required to talk dirty with your caller. That applies to cam performances as well. You are encouraged to flirt, and the conversation might get a bit sexual at times, but you control the direction of the conversation. In fact, FlirtBucks encourages you to take control of the topics!
The pay goes up the longer you’ve been working for FlirtBucks. From the moment you start your third month, you’ll make 10 cents per minute of text chat and 40 cents per minute of video chat. From three to six months, you’ll make 12 cents per minute for text, then 45 cents per minute for video. On your sixth month and onwards, that amount becomes 15 cents and 50 cents, respectively. As with most work from home jobs, you can set your own schedule.
Link: https://flirtbucks.ne
The Verdict: Legit or Scam?
All of these sites are legit! If you’re up for this kind of work, it can be fun and a good way to make money just talking and being yourself. The expected disclaimers apply, though: you have to be okay with sexually explicit talk with strangers. That said, these chat companies provide you with a safe space to do your work. No dealing with creeps in real life!
Your Turn
Now it’s your turn to share. Have you worked as an adult chat operator? How much did you make, and do you have any interesting experiences to share?
Let’s hear your stories!
I want to join this site to earn money