The term “organic traffic” is used for referring to the visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid (“organic”) search results. Visitors who are considered organic find your website after using a search engine like Google or Bing, so they are not “referred” by any other website.
Watching your brainchild achieve the heights of success is something that every passionate person involved in business activities wishes for. When it to come to websites, there are literally plenty of them but only a few are leading the charts, establishing supremacy over the others. And if we are talking about sites that provided us with adult content, plenty is an underestimated term for sure. One of the biggest problem is that any website could stumble upon is not getting the desired amount of traffic that they wish for. Not getting enough traffic could be a matter of concern for any website as it hinders the success, popularity, earnings and other related factors.
There are various methods that have proved to be efficacious in driving traffic to a website but the best one of them all is having traffic on your website by means of Organic Search. The reason why we say this is traffic driven to a website by means of organic search is the cheapest way with good empirical, hence the best you can ever get.
In this article, we are going to focus on the different techniques that can prove vital for you to get healthy organic traffic which will eventually take your website even higher in the search engine rankings. And as a result of this, you will be sky-rocketed to success. So why are we still waiting? Let us get started then with the explanation of the term ‘Organic Search’.
What are Organic Search Results?
The term may sound a little complicated but actually, it is not. Organic Search simply refers to the methods that are adopted in order to achieve higher ranking for your website or web page on various search engines, that too unpaid. There are plenty of methods like advertising your website and getting them to the top. These are artificial or Inorganic Search results and as soon as you stop paying for them, you will see a steep fall in your page’s ranking and there is a very good chance that it may not appear anywhere in the top few searches. But the scenario is entirely different when we talk about Organic SEO. The results are long lasting and above all, it will save you the cost you were going to spend on unreliable sources advertising your business. In addition to that, your website will be able to sustain itself surprisingly while you will see other paid search results fade away.
And not to forget, the web pages achieving top ranking by means of organic SEO are bound to be more popular than the paid ones. Now the question is why would you want a higher rank for your pages? Just bear with us as we answer this question for you.
Why would I want my website ranked higher in search results?
The logic behind chasing higher rankings in search engine results is very simple. Ranking higher in the search results is directly proportional to the number of visitors you will have on your website. High rankings yield a high number of visitors and hence, the traffic you were looking for!

According to Google Analytics, more than half the people surfing the internet click on the search result that appears on the top! The search appearing second accounts to approximately one-fourth of the population and just around 10 percent go for the page appearing third. So now you can imagine the scenario. If you are not in the top 3 search results, you can deduce that survival for you is going to be a tough act to perform! Lower rankings will weaken your presence and just imagine being on the second page of the Google search- probably no one will ever notice your work.
The relevance of your Web page
The relevance of the Web Page simply refers to how relevant your page is when it is compared to the search terms users are looking for on the web. There are a few essential factors that determine the relevance of your page and they are as such:
- Title of the Page- If you are targeting any specific keyword, make sure that it is included in the title of the page, the reason being it will be detected better by the search engines.
- Content- The content should be at least 500 words and target the focused keyword richly. Content with a higher number of words and elaborated will be better read by the search engines.
- Description- Same rule as the above goes with Meta description too. Keeping your keyword in the Meta Description optimizes it and it will eventually rank higher in the search results.
Fundamentals of SEO

Now that we are enlightened about the concept of Organic Search, we need a little insight into SEO as well.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the technique that will make you reach new heights of success. SEO is nothing but the combination of strategies that can be used by a website to achieve higher rankings in the search results of the world’s most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Getting to the top of any search result is the ultimate goal of any website and its makers as the search engines are optimized in a way that they offer the most relevant results on the first page.
On-Site Optimization is another vital tool that can separate you from the masses and help you establish your presence on the internet. It is basically the process in which we modulate the input elements in such a way that the search engine will be able to find relevance to the website’s content when compared with a search query. So if you can input the things that people are looking for, you will surely get a boost in the rankings! For Example- Using most searched keywords in your content could rank it higher and the search engine would be able to read it better.
So before moving ahead and discussing the factors that should influence the content of your adult website, we will make a small pit stop and learn a little bit more about the techniques of SEO.
There are four essential points that you should keep in mind when trying to achieve good results in Adult SEO.
- The relevance of your Web page.
- Domain’s Authority.
- Authority of the Inbound Links.
- The relevance of the Inbound Links.
Domain’s Authority
This simply refers to how much authority does your domain has. Websites that are online for a longer period of time are bound to have more domain authority when compared to the newly established websites. This is the result of continuous optimization over a period of time.
There are other factors as well such as–
- Amount of links pointing to the domain.
- The quality of the pointing links.
- Traffic from top social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.
The relevance of the Inbound Links
Just like the authority of the inbound links, their relevance is an equally important factor. You have to be very careful when using this factor in adult SEO. This is because you should stick to the keywords and type of work you are referring to. If you divert from the topic, this will be your less as the search engine will not find your work relevant.
Just like the authority of the inbound links, their relevance is an equally important factor. You have to be very careful when using this factor in adult SEO. This is because you should stick to the keywords and type of work you are referring to. If you divert from the topic, this will be your less as the search engine will not find your work relevant.
Authority of the Inbound Links
This is a very important aspect because it determines how crucial a website is in relation to specifically targeted keywords. This step is very important if you wish to make a name for yourself in Adult SEO. The quality of inbound links you have is far more important than the quantity of links you are getting. In short, links with higher authority will help your website to rank higher than others in search engine results.
Optimizing Search Engines for Adult Websites
Now that we know how things work, it is time to implement the knowledge that we attained in order to propel the rankings of our pages. Here are the best tips and tricks that will prove essential in your crusade of Adult SEO.
- Content: The first and foremost thing that determine you from all your competitors is refined and relevant content that pleases the audiences. Search engines are very adept in finding out what the users and provide them with the best content that they can find over the World Wide Web. To achieve higher traffic, you should upload or post content that is unique and offers good readability to the customer. Using multimedia is an even better option as it engages viewers and can be more interactive than simply written content. And not to forget, make your presence felt by delivering regular content as it is another key aspect which will keep you ahead of your competitors.
- Optimizing the Tagline: It can be very useful to include the focus keyword in the title of your site or the title of the content that you are posting as this makes it even easier for the search engine to establish relevance with your content. The same principle is applicable to the domain as well. If you have your important keyword in your domain’s name, it will surely bring you the success you crave for.
- The Mobile Platform: The responsiveness of a website when it comes to mobile phones or smartphones has a very vital role to play. Mobile responsiveness has been an important factor for site ranking for quite some time now. Google has shown a great inclination to the mobile platform and by bringing it to the fold; the game has changed in a very significant way. For an adult site to be on the top of the search results, it has to load quickly on mobile phones and should also offer a user-friendly and highly interactive design.
- The Mobile Platform: The responsiveness of a website when it comes to mobile phones or smartphones has a very vital role to play. Mobile responsiveness has been an important factor for site ranking for quite some time now. Google has shown a great inclination to the mobile platform and by bringing it to the fold; the game has changed in a very significant way. For an adult site to be on the top of the search results, it has to load quickly on mobile phones and should also offer a user-friendly and highly interactive design.
- Laying Emphasis on Keywords: It is the pathway to success. The best websites are in their position because they did smart work and realized the importance of keyword optimization with respect to the search engines. Highlighting your keyword or giving it some unique font makes it easier for the search engines to fetch them and this is the tip that has brought success to many.
Now that you know what to do, you should also know what not to do. You have to avoid making rookie mistakes at any cost. As an adult website, there are few things that you should steer clear off. They are-
- Opting Quantity over Quality: As we mentioned above as well, your main focus should be the quality of inbound backlinks and not the quantity. Search engines have adept algorithms to figure such things out, so you better opt for the quality factor.
- Avoid Purchasing Links from the Sellers: This is one of the most infamous malpractices and something you should avoid at all costs. Buying links from vendors can land you in a troubling spot, so better stay away from it.
And that is pretty much it. You are ready to start your journey of adult SEO and making your website a hit among all the others, so you better get started now. Good Luck!