Review of Juicy Sex Stories

Website Overview Web address: Estimated visits final month: 1.15 million Juicy Sex Stories is a super web website online for people who love no-nonsense pornography with a few twisty, hot, and a laugh substance. It is a domain that gives you the chosen characters with their individuality in a fascinating and sexual manner.  Site Statistics The subject matter of stories: Good Number of stories: 10,000+ Registration: Free Number of visitors: Over a million Daily visitors: More than a thousand Website Performance Scores FEATURE SCORE Story Quality 10 / 10 Usability 9 / 10 Updates 10 / 10 Content Amount 9 / 10 Value 8 / 10 Exclusivity 10 / 10 Download / Streaming 10 / 10 Features 8 / 10 Bonus Material 6 / 10 Overall Score 80 / 100

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About the Author: MikeTriump

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