A Case Study on How to Create Your Own Adult Subscription Startup

If someone asked you to build an Onlyfans clone, it would be very difficult to make. The biggest cost is to buy bandwidth which could cost you thousands of dollars and you need to pour millions of dollars yearly to successfully run a fan-based website. In this article, we will explain how you can launch your business with the help of Scrile Connect as a means to make a subscription or fan-based site.

When Onlyfans banned adult content, there were a lot of Onlyfans alternatives that evolved. After a few months, AVN Stars banned adult content and after December 2023, you wouldn’t be able to make money uploading adult content on AVN Stars, we have mentioned some sites like AVN stars.

There are two types of people who are searching for potential Onlyfans clones or AVN stars clones;

The first type of people are the ones who are adult content creators and they want to find a home to their content on other platforms.

The second type of people who are searching for Onlyfans Clones or AVN Stars clones are the ones who are entrepreneurs or businessmen and want to build solutions for content creators.

If you are from the second type and are looking for the solution to start your own business platform, then Scrile Connect is the right solution for you.

The adult subscription business is growing and now a lot of companies are competing for getting more adult content creators and almost every platform is charging you service charges but in the case of Scrile Connect, they are providing you 100% money.

How did Scrile Connect become the backbone behind building Million dollars in Startup?

Almost all the companies are charging you service charges like in case of Onlyfans they are charging you 20%, Fansly also charge you 20% and most of these companies have rates between 15% to 20%, now Scrile Connect introduce a very different concept.

If you register with Scrile Connect, you have the option to pay a fixed monthly fee. As you can see in the picture below, they have three packages.

Startup package: In the Startup package, you just have to pay $10 a month but this is just for individual creators.

Professional package: If you already have a follower based on other platforms like Onlyfans, Fansly, Reddit, or Twitter and want to migrate your content to Scrile, you can use the professional package. You have to pay $250 for the first month and $500 a month for the rest of the time.

The Enterprise package: The enterprise package is only for entrepreneurs or businesses that want to build a white label and let other creators make money through their clones. You have all the access to source code and can play around with the design.

The product owner of Scrile Connect, Olga Cherenkova stated:

We’ve created a strong chain of communication processes with the client. Every week we have regular Scrum procedures like weekly synchronization calls when we discuss features that will be developed during the next sprint. As a product owner, I support three backlogs (lists of all things that need to be done within the project), the first is for the client’s project roadmap, the second is the internal backlog for the development team and the third is for the design team.  

When asked about the product development inside the Scrile Connect Software, Olga responded:

“Scrile Connect is on the active growth stage up to now and we use different ways to learn and clearly understand our target audience needs – customer development interview, usability tests of the essential user flows, special features testing methods. Statements, Vault, Subscription sales, paid content in messages, referral program, – this is far from the full list of the features which appeared in the product due to testing feature hypothesis in iterative way.

Scrile Connect is getting bigger and bigger as more platforms are closing their doors for adult content creators, and hosting your data on a platform where you are not worried about your future is the best thing that could happen to a Creator.

Scrile CTO remarks about the technical background behind Scrile Infrastructure:

“We are focused on using the latest versions of the tools for building software products, which keeps us constantly at the forefront of technology. The microservice architecture, on the basis of which we have built our product, allows us to achieve high availability and painless scalability during high loads. Kubernetes cluster lets us easily manage installations for hundreds of our clients, and our own server cloud and agreements with data centers allow us to keep hosting prices affordable.”

Why Scrile Connect is a good solution for adult content creators?

Scrile offers a very different solution to adult content creators, following are some of the pros of hosting your data and starting a fan site on Scrile Connect:

Scrile Connect helps you host your data, provides you with all the features that you get on Onlyfans or AVN stars and you don’t need to worry about getting suspended.

Scrile Connect helps you get a custom domain. A custom domain ensures that you have a brand. A brand is everything you need, especially when Onlyfans or other Adult subscriptions sites have a very poor search engine.

You can also read:

How To Make a Fan Site Like Onlyfans? Creating an Onlyfans Clone

How To Make a Fan Site Like Onlyfans? Creating an Onlyfans Clone

If you searching for a solution to make a fan site like Onlyfans? we have an answer for you.


creator economy

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About the Author: MikeTriump

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