My girlfriend Aerie and I have been using Chaturbate for a long time now. Sometimes she broadcasts alone (solo), sometimes I broadcast alone, and other times we broadcast together as a couple. As we said earlier, Chaturbate couples tend to earn the most amount of money. Females are the next in rank, followed by Male Model Broadcasters and transsexuals. But males being almost on the bottom of the Chaturbate cash flow does not mean they cannot succeed being camwhores as well.
A handful of actually perform much better than a lot of females. As a male, I’m proud to say that I do better than many females on Chaturbate, when I broadcast alone. I have seen certain girls end up being on third page of the homepage because they have a very low amount of viewers, usually as few as zero to twenty viewers! But I believe there is either something they’re doing very wrong, or it’s just the old-fashioned viewer bias, where the viewers prefer certain countries or standards of beauty over others.
We want to warn heterosexual and homosexual male broadcasters accordingly, about rough things to expect as Male Model Broadcasters on Chaturbate:
Warning to straight Male Model Broadcasters
If you’re a male broadcaster or want to broadcast while being a male, you must be prepared to acquire an audience largely composed of male homosexuals. This means that if you’re straight (heterosexual), you must be prepared to get extremely lewd “uncomfortable” comments and requests from your viewers. Even if you specify on your profile that you’re straight (which helps a bit), many homosexual male viewers will disguise as women and still ask you to do uncomfortable things on cam for them. You will see a lot of fake female users in your chatroom. The best way of spotting them is by their requests, such as “show ass” or “show feet” or “show your cock please”. Females would hardly have an urge to see such body sections on cam sites. The females I know would appreciate a male appearance, facial look or expression, and or character, but not to the extent of wanting to see his cock in an online chatroom.
Warning to homosexual Male Model Broadcasters
Beware of freeloaders. Many of your fellow homosexual viewers will try to lure you into a real-life meet-up. This means that they will try their best to make you agree to meet up with them offline (in real life) for a real sex. Some may think you’re interested in free promiscuous sex; others may promise you a lot of money for it. But what should you do? Never agree to any of those. In fact, as soon as you say no to such a request, we recommend that you ban the viewer if he continues to bother you about a meet-up. It is very dangerous no matter how nice he is to you. You could end up being betrayed or extorted. So forget the fact that they tipped you a lot of tokens earlier – once they try to have a way with you in real life, ban them immediately, unless you hate money and love promiscuous sex and horror endings.
Being a successful male broadcaster
You have to have a decent character. If you want to earn a lot of money, you must play along with your viewers – that is, you have to agree to things you normally wouldn’t in real life. Chaturbate is not a dating site, therefore being super honest to your viewers is not a priority, although being very nice is extremely important. For example, if you oppose anal sex in real life and your viewer says “do you like anal?” you may reply “Yes but I don’t like doing it on here”. Or, if you really want the money, you may ask them to tip or take you onto a virtual private show in order for you to perform that kind of show. You have to agree a lot with your viewers. Straight male broadcasters have more burden of agreement than homosexual male broadcasters. Homosexual Male Model Broadcasters will find it easier and much more fun to broadcast on Chaturbate. Also, at times, you have to acquire a new character and probably a theatrical sexual orientation (like being a fake homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual etc) in order to succeed on Chaturbate.
Male? sign up and start broadcasting to earn your money.
Once you start broadcasting, you should learn how to make more money while being a Chaturbate model (broadcaster).
I am not homosexual but I enjoy women very much I live in Ethiopia I am ready to be happy if you want to be happy