How Can I Get More Onlyfans Advice? Activating the Onlyfans Tip Option

Onlyfans is popular among content creators, and it is a social media platform where content creators charge their subscription fees monthly from subscribers. Onlyfans take 20% from the subscription or earn from the content creator’s revenue. However, charging a monthly subscription fee is not the only method of earning on Onlyfans, but creators can earn through many ways. Getting tipped on content from the subscribers is a way of earning money on Onlyfans.

Onlyfans do not restrict any content and always support their content creators. It is more popular among adult content creators because there are no restrictions on Onlyfans. But content creators from other genres are also successful on Onlyfans, for instance, models and fitness trainers. In this article, you will learn “how to get more tips on Onlyfans.”

Getting started: Getting more tips on Onlyfans

Earning big money on Onlyfans is a tricky game yet an easy one. You have to follow methods for getting more tips on Onlyfans:

1. Setting Up an Onlyfans Tip Menu Option:

It is a highly effective way and you can set up a weekly Tip menu on your Onlyfans page to let your fans know how much you charge for what type of menu. We have collected some of the coolest Onlyfans Tip Menu Ideas here. If you organize good Tip menu ideas, the chances of getting tips might be way higher.  

2. Schedule your posts:

The easiest way to get more tips on Onlyfans is by scheduling your posts. Set several stories and mention the date and time of your upcoming videos, photos, and audios to inform your subscribers. This method works for almost 80% of the creators on Onlyfans. Moreover, it also works systematically. Your fans will wait for your upcoming content, and they will be mentally ready to tip you for your amazing content.

3. Advertise your upcoming content:

The next trick is to advertise your content for getting more tips on Onlyfans. For this, you can use other social media websites, for example, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media sites. Many content creators collaborate with established Instagram accounts for promoting their videos and Onlyfans account. So, if you get more subscribers, you are getting more tips and revenue.

4. Conduct live streaming session:

Interacting with your subscribers is a good way to make a strong bond with them and tell them about your plans of making content for them. The more you will interact with them during the live session, the more they will tip you on your content and your live sessions. The content creators on Onlyfans get enormous tips on their live sessions. Schedule your live sessions and stay consistent in fulfilling your commitments.

5. Pay-per-view messages:

Pay-per-view messages are a game-changer, and they have made it possible for creators to earn real money in no time. The content creators can earn a huge amount of money through pay-per-view messages.

There are several reasons for getting more tips on PPV messages, and one of them is a one-to-one interaction between content creator and subscriber. The subscribers, through messages, talk to their favourite creators, and in return, creators send them paid content which the subscribers have to pay for. You have to normal photos on your timeline and make the real content for sale. If the subscriber gets attracted to the featured photo or video, they will pay you for the content.


FriendsOnly is a platform that gives you the opportunity to monetize your content through subscriptions, getting tips, and more exposure organically. All you have to do is to produce high-quality content. Sign-up for FriendsOnly here. 

Many of the creators follow a simple method for earning more money in tips through PPV. They make their accounts free to subscribe to, and then they lock their content by making an attractive showcase of content that is pay-to-view. This method is also known as creating a PPV wall.

6. Create a second account:

Another amazing trick that you can apply to get more tips is creating a second account and your primary account. If you already have an established account with many paid followers, you can create a second account with a free subscription to interact with a new audience.

After creating a subscription-free account, post content regularly, which should be different from your primary account. Get a maximum number of followers and then send them pay-per-view messages and earn tips.

Make potential subscribers and ask them to follow your main paid account for the latest teasers or content. Post previews on your new second account of your content and ask them to follow your paid account to see the complete content, or you can also try selling the content on your new account both ways. You are the winner.

7. Tips from posts:

If you are truly sincere with your work and want rewards in return, create posts regularly with great content. If you post several times in a day with premium quality content that the subscribers can not find on the only platform, they will give you more tips for working hard.

8. Tips from direct messages:

If you are famous and have a huge following on Onlyfans, you should reply to your fans in your DM. It will make your fans feel valued, and that’s also what you want. Reply as much as you can so they feel special, and they will pay you tips for your sincerity with them.

Is it easy to get tips on Onlyfans?

It might look not easy, but it is relevantly easy to earn a good amount through tips on Onlyfans. Tipping is an amazing feature by Onlyfans, and it is quite easy to earn tips if you are a good quality content creator. If you create high-quality content and value your subscriber’s time and money, then you will earn more money through it.


Getting more tips on Onlyfans is a question that is always present in Onlyfans creators. By following several steps, you can earn a handsome amount of money through tips on Onlyfans. You can create high-quality posts to earn tips from your subscribers and fans.

The other way to earn more tips is to engage your subscribers through live streaming and make them pay you tips. Sending PPV messages and interacting with your fans is also a good way of earning more tips. The other non-conventional way of earning more tips on Onlyfans is to create a second subscription-free account to post high-quality content and ask your followers to subscribe to your main account.

Frequently asked questions:

How To Tip on Onlyfans Messages?

Sometimes, your message could be lost when you want to send a message to a famous Onlyfans creator. For this purpose and for fans to stand out their message, Onlyfans introduce this option to let people send a tip right from the message menu. Your message will appear on top of the profile.

How to Cash Out Tips on Onlyfans?

When you get a Tip from your viewership, the earnings from the tips will be directly transferred to your account based on the time of payout. You could also set up an automatic bank payout on Onlyfans.

How to Set Up Tip Option on Onlyfans?

You don’t need to set up the tip option on Onlyfans. When you verify your Onlyfans account as creator, the tipping option will be automatically activated.

How Much Does Onlyfans Take From Tips?

Onlyfans charge you 20% for every transaction. In the same way, they charge you 20% for the Tips you receive or the Pay-Per-View video you got sold.

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About the Author: MikeTriump

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