How Can I Sell Feet Images On The Foap App?

We are living in a world of technology, so why not try something different for earning? You can sell almost anything you want and so you can sell pictures of your feet pics too, I might write a guide about selling feet pics but this time let’s focus on selling pictures of your feet on the Foap app.

Think differently to make money online. Social media, online applications, or the whole internet can be used as a boon if you know its proper use.

Do you know there is an exciting job like selling your feet images? Yes, you can sell your feet pictures online, and people will pay a reasonable amount for that. I am not kidding at all.

A question may arise in your mind: Why should people buy your feet pictures?

Well, the reason is simple. For business purposes, some individual bloggers, social media influencers, startup entrepreneurs, or some business owners are willing to promote their brands and content through the internet. That’s the reason they need some beautiful feet images.

Isn’t it an exciting job? If you are a beauty queen and take care of your health and beauty well, you can confidently engage in this online earning field.

But the biggest question is how to sell and where to sell the feet pictures?

When you randomly search on google about this, you will get a blast of options. But can you trust all of those easily? Are you sure those applications or platforms will save and secure all your personal and transaction details?

When you are ready to enter into online marketing, you have to keep in mind security. You can’t visit or register anywhere without proper knowledge; that may harm you badly if you do so.

But with the most trusted and secure application, the Foap App, you will never face such harmful activities. This application is no doubt a secure and safe platform for beginners as well as expert sellers.

So, you can happily use this application as your earning zone.

What is Foap App?

What is the Foap app? / Picture created by the author

Do you know per year, Americans purchase 80 billion photos, Yeah, and Foap App makes this transaction easy to sell feet images. This application allows you to sell your pictures to reputed agencies, brands, or other individuals, worldwide.

You need to upload your feet pics using this free application. And once you are done with your uploading, the Foap app will spread the feet images among the Foap Market worldwide.

I have seen a lot of people complaining that the Foap App deleted their account or in some cases, their payment has been pending for many weeks. You can try some other sites like FeetFinder or Onlyfans.

Selling feet pics on FeetFinder: FeetFinder is a leading website for feet pics buyers and sellers. Creators have made over $90,000 in 2023 and now this year they have seen huge growth. They have now over 500,000 users. They protect you from chargebacks from the same customer. FeetFinder charges you a 20% commission and helps you make money by selling albums as well as you can make money by offering subscriptions.

Grab your android or ios, install the app from google play or on the apple store. Get registered as a user with the help of a verified email. You can also use the Facebook page.

1. Create an account On Foap:

For selling feet of your feet on the Foap app, the very first thing you have to do is to download the app from Playstore if you using an Android phone or from Appstore if you have an iPhone. After downloading Feap App open an account. It will take a few seconds to make a page. The app will take your name from your Facebook page. Enter your birth date and your country. That’s it, and now this app is ready to use.

2. Manage photos

Press the camera icon at the bottom of this application. Then choose your pictures from the camera roll that you want to sell. And load them up. Choose such photos that don’t have any face.

Add some attractive TITLEs to your images. Use some reliable caption or taglines related to your feet pics. Related keywords will help the buyers to find out your pics easily.

Indeed, Foap App will suggest some keywords, but you can go with your creation also.

3. Publish to sell

As your photos are now ready to publish, click on the ‘publish’ button. You will get a few questions that need to be answered. Questions would be like- “Are there any people in your photos?” “Are the faces in this image recognizable?

Foap App does not permit photos with the face. So keep your pictures straight to the content. You can use the Foap app not just for selling feet pictures but you can also to upload pictures of your hometown.

All the above processors will take 5 minutes only. Now, please wait for a while until some purchaser likes your picture and wants to buy it.

4. Payment processor

Now the central part, the transaction process. Foap App makes its payment only through PayPal. So, you need to have an account there.

Whenever somebody invests in your pics, you’ll receive a notification on your phone. You will get an application form through the message. There you have to fill them up within 15 days of that month.

Don’t worry, if you miss it somehow you will get the money the next month.

NBC News made a video about it discussing how can you sell pics of your feet or your camera photos on the Foap app?

How to withdraw Amount from Foap App?

The app cuts some money as commission, and that is near about 50% only. For example, if your pic costs 100$. Then you will receive $50 after deducting 50% of it.

This platform has its own fixed rate. You cannot attach your price tag. As the app is doing all the promoting part, I think it’s worth it.

Along with that, you can earn more by joining the Foap mission. It’s like a photo gallery competition which is very popular, and the winning image cost 50$. So, if you work according to the tips, you can earn a good amount from here.

Benefits of using Foap App

As I already told you, it is one of the most trusted and semi-automated applications, so being a part of such an app, you will benefit greatly.

Keep reading the points below:

First of all, it is a free app—no need to pay a single penny during registration.

You can do all the activities through your phone only. No need for any DSLR photos. It requires 1280*960 pixels.

Big brands or famous business persons can see your pics.

To make more cash, you can join the Foap mission.

Foap App will do all the promotions for your pics.

Make sure you put a watermark on your pictures so that no one can steal them. And your pics will be viewed in smaller sizes till anyone buys them.

The winning photos from Foap mission will be tagged as an exclusive brand. Exclusive pics worth more than 50$.

The non-exclusive are purchasable multiple times. Keep checking the trending pics.

People here rate each other’s photos—that help to circulate and boost your art.

You have the options of image batch to upload.

You can also read: How to sell feet pics on Craigslist?

Outstanding features of Foap App

After benefits, let’s talk about the fantastic and mind-blowing features of the Foap App. Okay, now let’s see the features of the Foap App in detail. When you open the application, you will find many icons that have different features.

Newsfeed: this option tells you about Foap news. It keeps you updated about the App and the users.

Explore: explore section informs you about the sold and newly uploaded photos. You can use the search to check a particular type of image.

Camera: camera icon is for uploading your art.

Mission:  It gives you details of brands about their latest mission.

Menu: to manage photos, change your settings, withdraw money, etc.

Active: This tab shows the current mission.

Winner: lists all the records of the winners.

Grow your sale

You can see that using Foap App is easy, but if you want to make more pennies, follow these tips.

Upload good-quality photos.

Keep an eye on the competitions. They provide you with all their requirement about the photo details they need.

Follow other people and get inspired.

Join Foap mission

Add tags and stories.


In the end, I suggest you use to Foap App to sell your feet pics. It is easy to sell out, and that also in entirely anonymously. Your time will be saved as you don’t need to spend time to share feet pics.

Foap will do everything. All you need to do is upload your arts and, in the end, withdraw money; that’s it.

You can also read:

How to sell feet pics on Twitter?

Read: How to sell feet pics on Onlyfans: A Guide for beginner Feet Sellers

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About the Author: MikeTriump

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