How to Make Money With Adult Dating Affiliate Programs

Online dating is one of the most successful business models on the web today and you as an affiliate can make a lot of money with adult dating affiliate programs.

Millions more are just, plain horny. While it is all fine and good to look at pictures of hot models, personal contact is even better. Dating sites offer that personal contact.

Millions of internet surfers are willing to join an adult dating site because, let’s face it: Millions of people are looking for a sex. They wants to do with someone that they can find online.

When you get down to it, a lot of people that look for porn on the Internet, look because they are lonely. Some folks are between relationships. Others have bad relationship mojo.

Many more have found that dating is painful, expensive and quite often futile. Looking at dirty pictures on the Internet is a way to compensate for what’s missing in real life. Porn is a kind of safety valve for sexual frustration.

In 2014, Internet users spent half a billion dollars for the services rendered by online adult dating sites. While current numbers are scarce, it is safe to say that the totals have risen since then.

Porn still rules a solid share of web money but it would be foolish to ignore the dating audience.

The two markets run essentially parallel to each other. Lonely people look for love and sex and when they can not find love, they look for porn. As is commonly the case, after a lonely person gets their porn, they still feel lonely and the cycle continues.

As an adult affiliate you have the opportunity to reach the very same people that are willing to spend money for online dating.

The two are interconnected and adult sponsor programs already know this. If you are unwilling to travel outside our famously self-policing industry, you do not have to.

If you are hunting for a route to the mainstream, you can not find a smoother path than the one that leads from porn to dating.

There are several adult-friendly sponsors that are not only open to you but offer long-standing, respected dating programs for you to promote.

Adult dating sites have a long-term track record for success and the possibility of contact is what drives that success. One of the most famous and popular sites in Internet history is DatingFactory.

While they helped originate the adult dating/adult classifieds business model, they are far from the only company doing it right.

Why Should You Promote Adult Dating To Your Surfers?

There are many good reasons why.

Most dating sites offer a free, basic membership to anyone in trade for their email address. The benefits of the average free dating site membership includes the ability to browse profiles, create and post one’s biography, the chance to contact potential hook-ups on a limited basis plus numerous other goodies as well as placement of personal ads.

The cool part about choosing an adult online dating sponsor over a mainstream one is that porn is a much more popular calling card.

Free members to addicted to so much free interaction that they open their wallets happily for the paid membership perks.

In other words, is not going to let you build hardcore gallery to sell memberships. With an adult online dating sponsor like DatingFactory, you can totally use porn to sell memberships.

In fact, DatingFactory gives its affiliates pornographic marketing materials for that very purpose. That is, of course, if you choose to promote DatingFactory’s adult program.

Ok, What Is Next?

To adequate sell adult dating/personals sponsors all the webmaster has to do is describe the product. Tell your visitors about the trial/free memberships.

Tell them about the real browsing for real people.

You have to tell them about the chat, the social networking tools and about how stress-free it is to get to know potential fuck-buddies without the pressures of nightclubs, dating expenses and all the other stupid mating games.

Fill your site and galleries with clean, descriptive language informing your surfers about this wonderful adult venue. Tell them about the real people. Tell them about the community.

You have to tell them about the steamy chats and private messages. You have to tell them about the free and/or trial access. Tell them in galleries. Tell them on your free site or blog.

Build marketing campaigns around sponsor-provided clips and pics on full-page, interstitial ads.

Buy a bunch of grainy amateur content and tell your visitors that the models in the pics are some of the very types of sex fans they will find at your chosen adult dating sponsor.

When choosing a dating sponsor you may want to make sure you decide on one and promote only one at a time (sub niche versions of the same program are ok, however it is recommended that you choose the niche to promote that most closely matches your traffic).

Just as with any sponsor, any time you are selling or promoting anything, your site has to instill trust in the visitor (such as by not launching popups, spy ware, or other overzealous advertisements “banner farms”) by offering content that supports or relates to the revenue streams you have in place.

I strongly recommend you all to consider creating your own adult dating site that matches your niche of focus. I would recommend doing exactly what I have done some time ago – visit the DatingFactory and start making money with them.

These guys have a cornucopia of programs to promote. They have adult personals, non-adult, gay, senior citizens, you name it. They pay more for new female memberships sold and have a great click thru program.

Final Thoughts

Online Dating is not a appearance. It is a solid market with a solid future. Some things never change no matter how progressive the technology.

No matter what, there will always be lonely people looking for companionship and sexual satisfaction. Give them both.

The fact is, most of them would trade all the smut in the world for a real live lover. They will work to get it and they will pay you money to serve it up on the net.

There are millions of people out there that have no problem paying for a little sexual content to keep them warm on lonely nights.

Sell online dating spiced with dirty pictures. Use an adult sponsor that offers dating programs. Make some pages, work the links and make crazy money!

Click Here To Join DatingFactory For Free!

Make sure you join CrakRevenue as well, if you have not done that already. They have tons of great adult dating sites to promote and some of these websites convert like crazy.

I wish wish you happy earning.

I hope you like this article on How to Make Money With Adult Dating Affiliate Programs.

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About the Author: Jamie K

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