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Have you ever wanted to own a “Toy Store”?
Well that’s great if you mean an adult toy store, then you’re in luck as we’re going to show you how to start one really easy today but first we want to give you a little background into why this strategy is much better than trying to start one from scratch using what is more or less a Drop shipping strategy.
Starting an Adult Toy Store the normal way is Hard (pun definitely intended)
If you want to start your own adult toy store yourself, you need to go through a few difficult hurdles which make it more difficult than setting up just a normal eCommerce strategy. The first reason is you need to ensure that the packaging is shipped discreetly or you’ll never get a returning customer, the second is that the market is highly saturated with ever shrinking margins and the MOST difficult part is that more or less no payment providers allow it and the ones that do make it a nightmare for new admissions to get accepted and then they kill you on fees.
All of the above can be overcome if you’ve already got a massive audience that you can market to and you’re able to drive traffic, at that point you might want to start your business from scratch as you’ll have more control.
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However my advice when you start any new business is you want to get to market as quick as possible so you can learn how to get sales, as without sales, you don’t have a business. So what is the better way?
Can’t someone else do it?
Yes they can my friend! So we built a site in 15 mins which you’ll find at the link in our menu, Love Me Gift Me is this new Website. So essentially the way this works is that you head over to and then you just sign up for an account. These guys will look after stock, payment, orders, customers and everything. Your entire job once you setup one of these stores is to add a domain name, add a logo and then market the hell out if. The last part is the hardest bit, we’ll give some tips in the coming weeks on marketing your new adult venture but in this post we just want to run you through how this works.
Setting up the store
Once you’ve signed up for an account on you will need to ensure you have a domain name and a logo, so we’ll cover that quickly first, how you can make a logo for FREE and get a domain name cheap.
Getting a domain name
Head over to this link to buy a domain name, a .com with our discounted links will cost you around $8 (USD) per year, so it’s not crazy expensive. Once you’ve bought this, you can then make your logo and we’ll come back to setting up the domain name later on in this document.
Creating a logo
Your logo can be important as you want it to be, when you are setting this site up, it can be important for credibility but before you think you need to go and pay a graphic designer, head over to Canva and get yourself a free 30 day trial (just remember to cancel it if you don’t use it for anything else) and then search for logos. Select something similar to what you like, edit the text and then download the png.
Step 1 – Setting up the Site Name
This step is pretty straight forward, add the domain name that you bought and then put the name of the site underneath and a simple slogan.
Step 2 – Style the Website
Again this step is very straight forward, just select a style that you like from their massive selection of different colours and if you have a favourite font, I want to talk to you because you’re as nerdy as me! You can add your fave font here.
Step 3 – Add your Logo and Tweak the Layout
Now you want to add your logo to the field you see on step three and then below that are some settings you can change to your liking or just scroll to the bottom and continue.
Step 4 – Setup the Domain
Here you have two options, you can head over to Namecheap and login to your new account after you’ve purchased the domain. Then you can link the domain 1 of 2 ways, either go to manage and change the nameservers as below but replace etc with the and the second one. See the graphic below.
The second option is to head over to the advanced DNS section and replace the A record on your domain name with the or whatever ip address you see on the MyFreeSexStore page.
You’re ready
The last thing you need to think about now that you’re Website is live is how much commission you want. Go to your dashboard on and on the left hand menu look for pricing options. You’re option here is to choose your commission and this will lower or higher the prices on your Website. My advice would be start with the lowest and then as you get sales and build the “brand” and following then you can slowly raise these or work off mass volume.
Let us know in the comments what you think of this interesting business model.