Make $1,000 per month with sexy Adult Blogs in 2019

Make $1,000 per month with sexy Adult Blogs in 2019

We’re in 2019 and the adult industry has grown a lot since the beginning of the internet. In 2010, 12% of the website on the internet were pornographic, 35% of all the downloads contained pornographic material and 25% of all search engine requests were pornography related. This was 9 years ago and the industry doesn’t sleep –it evolves.

Day by day, new adult websites are launched and the industry is growing more and more. Does that make it saturated? Absolutely not. Actually, there’s plenty of space left until this industry can be called saturated.

And who knows if it will become soaked?

There are a lot of clothes brands and we see new ones every year.


Because it’s better to enter an industry where you know there are plenty of clients than to enter a limited business. What I’m trying to say is: It’s better to have YouTube than your own cinema.

So, have you ever thought about creating your own adult website but you thought the industry was soaked already? It is time to think again. In this tutorial, I will try to focus on the most important things you need to consider when you’re creating your adult website and how can you grow a website like this to bring 4 figures per month in less than one year.

I’m an adult webmaster and my job is to help you to earn more from their current traffic.

How much money do you need to start your first adult website?

Under $100.

To be successful with it?

It depends on your budget and how much will you work on it. Don’t expect to have success overnight – because no one can make miracles. Even if it’s an adult website or a non-adult one, it still takes time or money to grow it. So be patient and work smart.

Domain, hosting, niche, and platform

The first step in creating your first adult website is choosing the type of it (tube, blog, directory, forum, etc.) and the domain name. There’s a lot of work with any of these types of websites – so pick the one you like and go with it. I personally would start with a tube website as right now people are more interested in video content.

Now there are two ways you can go: start with a general tube website with all the categories or choose a niche one. I’d personally recommend you to start with a single niche and get a proper domain name. By properly domain name I don’t mean a free one – those are not recommended as it’s harder to grow in Google using a free domain name.

Now let’s say you’ve chosen the Girlfriend niche, think of a good domain name that could easily help you grow in google. As an example, I’ll choose (which is also available to buy).  Now using the Google AdWords planner, we can search to see the volume of searches per month for my keywords. The total searches for my keyword are between 100k – 1M which means this niche has potential.

Could we, however, find a more searched one? Let’s give it a shot. Let’s say we want to go on the massage niche and we find the domain domain free, how many searches do we have for our domain keywords? According to Google, between 1M -10M monthly searches.

What does this mean? It means that the second niche would be better to start with – as the number of people looking for that niche is bigger and you would get a lot of visitors once you hit the Google’s first page. We have a domain, a niche and a type of website (tube).

What platforms should we choose now?

Well, you’re in luck because WordPress has a few plugins that might help you creating your first adult website with WordPress. I personally recommend the plugin – as this one helps you a lot with the automation of your website. The downside of this script is the one-time price of $99 – but it would save you a lot of precious time.

One last but important thing for this part is finding a good hosting company. Not all the companies will accept an adult website so you need to find a reliable hosting. There are plenty on the internet, you just need to do a simple google search or to ask in the right places.

The cost until now should be between $10 and $110 + hosting on a monthly bases. Keep in mind that this is a long term investment – not something which will make you rich overnight.

Creating an adult website the right way

Here it comes to the legal part of creating an adult website. First, you need to make sure that your countries accept creating an adult website – you can find info about this on Wikipedia here: .

Now, you need to find an established adult website and inspect their footer – usually, all the adult websites have the legal part in their footer. I’ve chosen to check this out. As you can see there, there are 4 big aspects that you need to have in order to be legal.

  1. The terms & conditions which basically are the rules regarding their activities, where they specify that they cannot be charged in court if the material on their website affected you in any way.
  2. Then, there’s the 18 USC 2257 statement, which is one of the laws that allow pornography in the USA, as far as I know.
  3. Next is the Privacy Policy where they specify the rules regarding the data they collect from your activity on their website. Mostly, this is the page where they assure you your information won’t be sold to 3rd parties for marketing or anything else and instead will be used to improve your data experience.
  4. Lastly, there’s the DMCA takedown form, where a user might request the removal of a video if he has ownership for it, it implies him in any way or someone he may know.

All of these are mandatory if you want Google to take you seriously and index your site properly. I do not recommend to copy and paste these from an established website but to modify it according to what type of website do you have.

SEO for adult websites

In my experience, there are 3 important factors in building a website: Quality, Content, and Design. Now assuming that you have the design knowledge or you will hire someone to do this, we will focus on the SEO. Now, we all know what does SEO means and for what is useful – it brings you visitors from search engines for free – if you do it properly, of course!

  • Keyword stuffing – you might think this is a great idea because visitors can find you for multiple keywords – wrong. Actually, Google can give you a penalty for keyword stuffing in the long term – so keep your keywords niche based.
  • Check regularly about SEO – Google changes its algorithms once every three/six months, so be sure to keep in touch with SEO and follow everything that Google recommends you to do. Having a site that follows the Google guidelines is the first key to succeed in this industry.
  • Link building – If we compare the opportunities for a normal website to create backlinks and an adult one, you will say that the adult website has a limited range of websites where they can create backlinks – which is true. That’s the reason why I’m recommending to create smart backlinks in places that matters instead of focusing on all of them and spamming the forums. You should devote one hour per day to create backlinks, not to do thousands in a day.
  • Getting no-follow links – you probably think this is a waste of time, but actually the do-follow/no-follow ratio should be close to 1, otherwise, your website might look unnatural. So, a good ratio between do-follow links and no-follows links could help your website grow maybe even more than a 90% do-follow one.
  • Original Content is the key – Yes, I know you’ve probably heard it a lot – but it’s the truth. Even if you copy a movie from another website, you should upload it with a custom title and a custom description wrote by you. Be sure not to make grammar mistakes.
  • Check your competitors – Really! In terms of SEO, this one of the best advice anyone can give. Spy on your competitors because your visitors are there and it’s for your benefit to bring some from him to your website. Use web services that will allow you to see where did he create backlinks, can you do it the same? Perfect. Now, you don’t want to copy him – but to be the best in that niche. So, be smarter than him – See what he did and do it better.

Traffic & Tricks

Now you have a website that follows every guideline that Google has but still, you don’t have a lot of traffic. So, you need to advertise your website with a few tricks in order to grow your number of visitors daily. I’m going to create a list of tips and tricks to get traffic for your website which has been recommended by various sources and webmasters.

Get Social

  • AdultNode– I’ve heard a lot of people who managed to create some adult sharing photo and videos in adult social using software in order to grow the followers. I don’t think that’s a good method so I recommend you to do it manually daily. In about a month or more you should have an active list of followers here and also, some free traffic for your website.
  • Reddit – one of the things that makes Reddit special is that you can post in different Subreddits according to the niche that you’re in. Let’s say you want to promote your video in the Busty niche, you do a search on Reddit for the keyword ‘’busty’’ and you find multiple Subreddits where you can submit a video from your website (Be sure you respect the rules ). Do this daily and you’ll get free traffic for your niche. Unfortunately, Reddit has banned adult content as of 2019.
  • Twitter – Same thing as for AdultNode, there is a lot of software that follows people automatically so they can follow you back. It’s up to you if you want to do it manually or automatically. Twitter can also bring you some free adult traffic too, and you can also watermark a photo with your website.
  • and other pin submit websites – On this type of website, you can either submit the same photos from AdultNode in order to increase your followers or you can link directly to your website. It’s recommended to link directly only when the picture submitted is with a porn actress already known and with a link out to your website. Sites like these can send you a boost of traffic also, especially if you submit quality content to it.
  • Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn – Don’t try to advertise adult here, it’s extremely hard and you may get your account blocked one day.

The porn re-uploading method

This method was a black-hat technique used by multiple webmasters to drive traffic to a CPA offer and making a lot of money. People started using it in 2015 and the method is working even in 2017, however, the results aren’t the same.

This method takes a little bit of time but the results are proven to work. We won’t deliver the people to a CPA offer but to a real website where they can find videos they love – so the method is not black-hat anymore.

So, what’s with this method?

Firstly, you need to find a known adult website that allows you to upload porn videos. The list here is huge: PornHub, xVideos, xHamster, YouPorn, etc. Then you need to upload there a video with no copyright or watermark on it, mostly videos with cam girls or something similar. When you upload it, you need to put a title for it and afterward the link to your website.

Example: Blonde girl on girl on

That’s it!

It’s this simple. Upload it to multiple websites and wait for visitors to visit your website. Do this regularly and don’t upload more than 5-10 videos per day/per website.

Submit to adult directories, forums, etc.

There are a lot of adult directories where visitors come to find new places to watch adult movies. If you search this on Google, you can find more than 20 directories like this.

This won’t bring you a lot of traffic, but these are good for your link building technique. Here’s a little trick that worked for a friend of mine. He looked on an adult directory to find a bug or a dead link then reported to the adult directory webmaster the issue. The webmaster thanks him and offered him the first spot in the “Tube websites” category for 24h. In those 24h, he got more than 500 visitors to his website from him. You can also try to do this, maybe it will work for you too.

The forums are another place where you can advertise your website, however, be sure not to spam it too much. A signature with your website and being active on that forum should be enough to bring you some visitors daily. You may also create a thread in the “Site review” category if the forum has one.

The link exchange method

Here’s a method that all the industry knows – and probably so do you. The link exchange method consists of a ‘Friends list’ or ‘Partners list’ on your website where you should put the websites you’re exchanging the links with. Be sure that he has one too in order to do this.

The only thing you must do here is speaking with the webmaster of a website in your niche and convince him that it would be for the benefit for both of you if you would exchange links – he will get some visitors from you and you will get some from him. Make sure both links are do-follow ones.

There you go, with this methods you traffic will start to grow. The social method would create a list of followers that will visit your site almost daily – within three months of work you should receive at least 1,000 visitors per day from this.

With the Porn Upload method the sky is the limit – here it depends on the quality of the videos that you uploaded and how many visitors checked your link – usually after three months of 5-10 videos uploaded per day – you should get more than 2000 visitors daily, but these visitors grow by the number of the videos uploaded.

The other 3 methods should bring you a 500-1000 per day after a certain period of time. Now you have around 5000 visitors per day and also Google indexed your website so for some certain keywords, your website would be on the first page. Check those keywords and see their monthly volume and find new ones that have volume and you can get on the first page on.

Adult Traffic Monetization – how is it done?

Monetizing an adult site requires a very different skill-set. You can’t just go and slap Google Adsense or Amazon Affiliates because you’ll get instantly banned faster than a Ferrari.

You need to understand that most networks work only with mainstream traffic and if you have adult traffic you need to work with adult-focused networks. There are a ton of networks that want your adult traffic, but you’ll want to work with a network that has been in the industry for a while, has a great reputation and easy/fast payments every month no matter where you live.

As you know that there are ton of options available either for text, video, and images in your website to show ads in different positions, layouts, sizes and for both mobile and desktop devices.

But which networks have this type of ads and where can you sign up for them? Here are a few ones that I recommend:

  • Exoclick – The best and biggest adult network in the world. Exoclick can help you monetize your website with banners, pop-ups, native ads, push notifications, interstitials, in video ads, etc. Sign up here and get started. This is my top recommended option.
  • Plugrush – They have a traffic trade program, which means for every user you send to them, they will send one back. It’s a cool way to start gaining new visitors, however, they don’t mention the geo’s from where the users are coming so you might send them more value than you will receive – however, it’s a good way to increase the traffic. Also, they can help you monetize your adult traffic but the performance is way better with Exoclick.
  • – this is a well-known network that only shows pop up and pop-under ads. They have an adult category and decent CPMs because their advertisers base is quite huge.

Following this tutorial, you could grow an adult website to 50k-100k visitors per day, which can get you between $500 to $3000 per month. You must remember that at all times you must follow the Google guidelines and also that these methods and tricks take time.

Don’t expect to be the new PornHub overnight because it won’t happen. It can even get you more than three months, depending on how much time you dedicate to your website daily.

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About the Author: Kenneth

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