I am happy to see fresh stocks of motivated and passionate netizens interested in starting an adult site. At the same time, I am enormously disappointed to see that many articles on the net talk a lot of balderdash about starting an adult website. As a matter of fact, I did founder upon quite a few articles misguiding newbies. Such articles have created division between newbies and professionals. Certain categories of biased adult affiliate marketers and self-claimed experts are to be blamed for this schism. The division seems to have highlighted with newbies being outwitted and subsequently outflanked by established adult businesses. In this article, I shall help newbies start adult websites and narrow the schism. Here are 5 easy steps to help you start adult website:
1.Listen to What Trusted Sources Say
In the focused pursuit of adult web-traffic, the concept of ‘trust’ is almost absent in the realms of adult entertainment industry. That being said, there are quite a few trusted sources like AdultAffiliateGuide.com has been in this adult entertainment industry for over a decade. They have acquired an aura of orthodox appreciation from both amateurs and professionals. Listen to what they say. If you have any pressing technical concerns, talk to their support staff. As an alternative, you may contact them here. Any doubt – big or small, will be resolved efficiently by AdultAffiliateGuide.com.
As you are new to this adult entertainment industry, read about Adult Industry here.
2.Register a Domain Name and Purchase an Adult Web Hosting
At the very starting point, I would like to tell you that you will be damned if you opt for a free adult web hosting. There is nothing appealing to free adult web hosting. Free adult web hosting is all about adhering to too many restrictions and unnecessary enforcement’s.
Before settling for a domain name, make sure to choose a niche. If you strive for material prosperity without choosing a niche that you are comfortable at, your adult business is likely to end up in trash. I hope all the newbies are familiar with the concept of niche. A niche is a genre. For your information, there are more than 50 adult niches. To learn more about niche specific websites, I recommend you to glance through this article.
There are too many collective porn websites. Upcoming generic porn websites shall be trampled on by established biggies such as RedTube, PornHub etc. So, the trick is to choose an upcoming niche. Are you worried about upcoming trends in porn industry? Here is an insightful article which can keep you posted about this: What’s the Upcoming Trend in Porn Industry? Pick the right niche to make money
The reality of adult web hosting is sobering. Newbies fail to differentiate between normal web hosting services and adult web hosting services. More often than not, newbies end up purchasing a normal web hosting service only to find out that adult content is out rightly rejected. When it comes to adult content hosting, there are a thousand riddle. Not every adult service provider is reliable. My bet is on HostGator Server. They provide various types of hosting services such as the following:
- Dedicated Adult Hosting
- Managed Server Adult Hosting
- NATS Adult Hosting
- Virtual Servers etc.
If you want to understand the differences between the different types of hosting, contact Hostgator Server. There are quite a few offers running on Hostgator Server. Make sure to avail them.
Suggested Read: Adult Web Hosting Service Providers For Your Business
3.Use a Relevant Adult Turnkey Script
To start your own adult website, you no longer require a complex patchwork of programming lines. Web developers simply appropriate the funds in the name of ‘web development’ from scratch. This only adds to your miseries. When you resort to traditional methods of web development, you are required to make complex plans for various phases such as black box testing, white box testing, integration testing etc. Such phases underline your waiting time. Let’s not forget the huge working capital required to fund the team of web developers and testers.
AdultAffiliateGuide.com has quite a few turnkey scripts that let you start your own adult website at affordable rates. But before purchasing a turnkey software, you are required to choose a niche.
Product | Purpose |
xStreamer | Adult Tube Site |
xCams | Adult Webcam Site |
xMember | Adult Membership Site |
xAggregate | Adult Search Engine |
xMarketplace | Adult Toy Store |
xPins | Adult Photo Sharing |
xGallery | Adult Gallery Site |
4.Create Unique Content
Let me remind you – You are about to enterprise into a niche specific adult entertainment website. If anything, only unique content and awesome web design can keep you ahead across a swathe of existing porn websites and competitors. Website design and framework will be taken care of by AdultAffiliateGuide.com adult turnkey scripts. Just focus on creating unique content. You can purchase content from production studios. If you think purchasing content from production studios is not your cup of tea, hire a few adult actors / actresses. Carefully complete the documentation process. Emphasize on terms and conditions. Your adult website’s lifeblood will be adult actors. You don’t want your venture to end up in trash because some of your adult actors tested positive for STDs such as Herpes, Infectious Cysts, HIV, etc. Verify the age of the applicants. Every adult applicant should be at-least 18 years old. Child pornography is to be feared and should never be embraced.
Ensure that you upload at-least one new video per week. If you do not have the wherewithal to upload a new video per week, keep your audiences informed. Do not kick the can down the road in this perspective.
5.Focus on Adult SEO
Adult SEO is beyond the routine keywords and meta-tags. To learn more about adult SEO, head on to this article.
Suggested Read: SEO Guide for Adult Video Sites & Web Cam Sites
Be consistent in your efforts. This is easier said than done. You are then required to learn extensively about adult monetization options. Read this article: How to Make Money with Porn Sites? Banner ads are an important source of consistent revenue. It makes sense to do some research on Adult Ad Networks. This article on Adult Ad Networks will help you in your research.
Wrapping It Up
Let me just summarize the 5 easy steps to help you start your adult website:
- Listen to what trusted sources say
- Focus on Adult SEO
- Register a domain name and purchase an adult web hosting service
- Create Unique Content
- Use a relevant adult turnkey script
In the upcoming articles, I shall dedicate a separate blog post on how to start an escort service business.
If you have any doubts or suggestion, feel free to drop a line or two in the comments section. I shall reply in a day or two. Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter. My best wishes are with you and your adult venture. Cheers!