Adult affiliate marketing is is similar as normal affiliate marketing. If you are wondering what is affiliate marketing and how to make money through that, then Today I will let you know how to make money through Adult Affiliate marketing – Mistakes and tips.
Adult affiliate marketing – Make Easy Money
I have been fairly successful with adult affiliate marketing and have made significant cash in this niche. Today I will pass on all my learning’s and knowledge through this article. I will tell you in this detailed article in step by step how to make money from Adult Affiliate Marketing.
What is adult affiliate marketing?
Adult affiliate marketing covers everything that an adult webmaster can do to make money in online niche. Although the definition might vary from person to person. for me it covers everything:
- Adult tube websites
- Adult media buying
- CPA, PPL, PPS , Revenue sharing etc
- Internet marketing and Dating offers
- Adult SEO, Digital marketing
What should I as a beginner try in adult affiliate to make money online?
There are a number of things you can try to make money , I have several guides on the website itself that will help you get started. Check them out:
- Crakrevenue Review and Payment proof
- How To Get Approved By CrakRevenue?
- Make $1,000/day Adult media buying guide step by step
Although I would prefer you to do few things side by side, first start an adult tube website following my method. At the same time start into adult media buying and with PPL offers. Although later on I will ask you to shift to PPS and on Revenue share but as of starting point you must start with PPL to get the revenue going. So you can be more successful in adult affiliate marketing just following all the steps given here.
Can I make money in adult affiliate marketing?
If you have been regularly following my website then you already know that money can be easily made in this niche. I have shared my earnings proof in multiple articles. Also if you are active on major forums then you know people are there who are making a killing in these niche.
What are the websites that I need to sign up on to get started?
Here are my favorites:
- ExoticAds Review – Adult Display Advertising
- Exoclick Review
- Juicyads Review – How I make $1000 per month
- Popads review – How I make $1500 per month
- Popcash review – How I make $900 per month
Tips for a newbie and a beginner?
- Keep this as a part-time hobby and wait till you are making $1,000/month to get serious about it.
- Testing is the key, so make sure you test all your campaigns when trying adult media buying for CPA (cost per action) offers.
- Do not under-estimate the power of email marketing (Adult Email Marketing – Build Mailing List and Make Money )
- Try to learn from the pros, don’t just take advice from anyone, rather try to establish relationship with people who are already making a killing in Adult affiliate.
- Make a good relationship with your account manager at Crakrevenue, they are really helpful.
- Do not try any illegal stuff, and make sure you own the rights of everything you upload or work with. If not careful you can get carried away.
- Learning Adult seo will help you in long run so make sure you check my guide
Does adult traffic converts?
To be honest it is the best traffic that converts. If you have tested your campaign thoroughly (CTA, Landing page, Banner, Traffic sources) then you can easily get very cheap traffic converting very well for some amazing offers.
What is DOI and SOI affiliate marketing terms
Hey hi all, I hope you are making money now. If you are just starting out in adult affiliate marketing then you might hear about the terms DOI and SOI affiliate opt-ins. To help you understand them better I have written this short post for you all, check this out here
When you talk about lead generation, or email capturing here is what these terms mean:
DOI: Double opt-in. In DOI the user has to verify his email address by clicking on a special link that is sent to his entered email id after he/she signs up on the offer website. If he doesn’t verify his email by clicking that verification link then he can’t access the service until he is not a verified.
SOI: Single opt-in. This is where the person just needs to enter his email-id and does not needs to verify it.
It wont take much to understand that the SOI offer is much lucrative for affiliate marketer as the chances of conversion is much higher. Not everyone will go on to take the extra step to verify the email after opting in. So its better to choose a Single opt-in forms in your affiliate register form.
Adult Affiliate link Masking Explained
People get starry eyes and start emailing me the step-by-step easiest way to make thousands of dollars in one month. The path is not so simple my friend. Promoting your adult affiliate offers and then receiving high quality converting traffic is difficult. Few of the problems faced are:
- Many web browser plugins prevent your affiliate offer to show.
- Also since all this is adult in nature, promoting such offers on Social media is very difficult as there are not so many adult-friendly social media network.
- Some search engine block your site because you have an adult content.
One great way or loophole to these problems is to Mask your adult affiliate link, or changing the appearance that no can tell about the original function of the link.
Using URL shortners
One of the most common way of doing this is using URL shortners, which are freely available on the internet. You can use anyone, there are many available on the internet. Even Google themselves has a URL shortner of themselves, You can add your own plugin and can make a unique short url for yourself.
Yes you might think that wow, the problem is solved in such an easy way, but the road is not that smooth. Shortening the URL does make the URL look pretty but nowadays your web-browsers and social media websites can easily figure out the link behind these masked shortened urls and still make things difficult for us. So be wary of these, but most probably a url shorter will do the trick. So its not that much easy but not that much difficult too.
Redirecting the link to your adult affiliate offer
One great solution to the above stated problems is using redirection. By simple sending visitors to an allowed or friendly url and then redirecting the url to your adult affiliate link is what is used by many these days.
Note: this is still not the best solution as your IP address might get banned or your URL also might get blacklisted, so this is the big problem if your IP gets blacklisted or a URL can be blacklisted.
I personally use this simple but effective plugin Pretty link . This amazing plugin helps to create custom links which looks exactly as you want them to look. You can then easily redirect these custom links to your Adult affiliate links. This will change the URL completely. Since these links look friendly and hence URL blockers wont block them, also you will easily bypass all the restriction on so many websites that are placed on adult affiliate links. Although I would recommend you to use the PRO version of the plugin to get the full functionality. The only issue you might face is that this plugin works with WordPress, so if you have a non-wordpress website then worry not there are other ways to use redirection as well.
Redirecting with .htaccess file
It is very simple, just add the following line:
redirect 301 /custimLinkName
Note: Be careful while editing .htaccess file, as even an additional white space can lead to website crashes. This is really sophisticated task to do if you have no idea how to do that you can ask someone who have a good knowledge of system administration.
One of the method of promoting your adult affiliate offer if Social media traffic. Because of the targeted nature of social media advertisements, targeting people on social media is a great way of making money through your adult affiliate offers. Facebook will ban your account very soon if you send the visitors directly to adult affiliate offers using your affiliate links and hence using the above tactic you can easily bypass the restriction. You have to make url Shorten or have to change the name so you can easily bypass the restriction.
Note: does not promote illegal or spamming. although the technique shown above will work and also help people promote their adult affiliate offers, this does not mean we are promoting spamming. This method is for those good adult affiliate webmasters who have always played by the rules and are victims of other black hat adult webmasters that have misused other tactics to make money online.
We will be covering advertising on not so adult friendly social media network in the next upcoming week.
Display Ads vs Adult Affiliate CPA programs
This is an important topic because many adult webmasters are always confused which one to focus on. Monetizing methods are many, but choosing the right one that makes you the most money is important. So here in this article we have given the links of only those Affiliates who is paying good money and those all are tested.
Which one can make me more money?
This is the most asked question to me. Which one to choose and whether Display ads or Adult affiliate CPA programs will make me more money. If you are an adult webmaster, then you probably know that adult ads and adult CPA offers are the two most distinguished ways of making money. I personally use a mixture of both of them to make my monthly income. Honestly the answer to this question is not absolute. It depends on many factors such as:
- Content and type of website
- Traffic source
- Analytical skills
- Money available to invest
- Experience as an adult webmaster
The above list is just an overview of all the important points that matter when it comes about making money from adult websites. Display ads are the easiest and fastest way of making money if you already have a decent amount of audience. All you have to do is place the iframe code of the Adult ad (Juicyads or Exoclick) on your website and you start making money. If you are someone who is satisfied with that dollar amount, then display ads is best suited for you. If you are like me who wants to make much more money and is willing to put that extra time, effort and money then Adult Affiliate Cap offers are best suited for you.
Note: Many people have lost a lot of money in adult affiliate marketing, so you need to be smart and follow all my advice with focus in order to make money. It is not as easy as just putting ad code on your website. You have to work hard to get a decent amount.
I do both because I never put all my apples in one basket, I like to diversify my income sources.
What are the major differences between Display Ads vs Adult Affiliate CPA programs?
Although I have a separate section just for Affiliate marketing and adult media buying, (if you want to learn about making money through adult affiliate offers), I will still go over the few major difference. I will tell you some differences between these.
How you make money: You make through Adult display ads when someone clicks on your ads as well as the number of impression your ad gets. So if you have traffic and you place the ads on the right places in your website then instantly you will start making money. All you have to focus on is driving more traffic. if you have a good traffic source then you will get a huge income in your pocket. In case of CPA based adult affiliate program you make money when you make a conversion. Also the most profitable programs are revenue sharing CPA offers.
How to maximize my income from display ads?
To make the most from your adult deeply ads, you need to know the following points:
- Choosing the right categories while creating adult ad banners. For example, if your website is based on milfs but you choose teens category then the number of clicks on your ads will be significantly lower.
- Placing the ads on the right places and choosing the right ads.
- Make your content readable so anyone can easily read the necessary information.
How to maximize my income from Adult CPA based affiliate programs?
I cannot write one paragraph on this topic. it’s a fairly long topic and that I why I have created Adult Media Buy and Affiliate Marketing sections on this website. I will request you to check all the article in this section and also keep checking the website for new articles to be added soon. A lot of factor decide your success as adult affiliate:
- Money you are willing to invest
- Finding the right offers to promote
- Understanding the basics of adult affiliate marketing and adult media buying: Adult Media Buying guide – Everything Explained
- Choosing the right CPA based company like Crakrevenue
- Investing time, money and energy
- Testing, testing and more testing A/B testing adult ads – media buying
Common Questions Answered: Adult Affiliate Marketing
After spending almost 11 years in adult industry and leaving my day job to making full time money online using adult methods, today I will answer most of the common question a beginner or a newbie might have when he/she starts his online adult money making journey. The format of this post will be simple, question followed by my answer. You just have to follow all the steps here.
1) Is it safe to enter this industry at this point of time? Will i be able to grow fast? What is your take on profitability? I was thinking of making a adult tube website, how much potential does it have?
If you are following this website, and have read this whole article: adult tube websites, then my friend you already know that I am making close to $5000 per month from all my adult money making websites. Its never too late to start, and YES it is absolutely safe to enter adult money making methods industry. Its same as normal affiliate marketing.
The scale and pace of how fast you will grow depends entirely on you. If you follow my advice and work hard then no one can stop you from making huge passive income in very less time. If you only devote 2-3 hours a week and expect to make $1000, then please forget it. initially it will take more effort but as soon as your website is set up, you will start witnessing a great inflow of profit, without much effort. Once your income will start then you will get continuance income.
Profitability is low compared to Adsense or affiliate marketing. But the best part about adult tube websites is that the traffic you get is huge which compensates for low CPC and hence you end up making good money. how much money you make from the website depends on a many things—monetizing methods you are using, the country from where majority of your traffic is coming,and most importantly the amount of traffic you are getting. In the affiliate marketing if you are getting a good traffic then it means you can get a huge money.
For the answer to your last question about entering into adult tube website business, I recommend you to read this whole article with 100% focus: How to Make $3500 per month
what’s the best adult money making method?
Honestly it depends on so many variables. There are countless methods over making money online through adult content. You can choose anyone you wants. To choose one is extremely hard. I know people who are making much more than me through other adult methods. I found adult tube websites to be good, and hence no I am making significant chunk of my earnings through them. So it totally depends on you, which methods to choose until and unless you are willing to take action and use your brain to add a twist to make you method unique and profitable.
What are the best ways to bringing traffic to an adult tube site?
I personally prefer SEO so that I get continuous and uninterrupted supply of niche highly targeted traffic. By using the SEO you will get a organic traffic from different sources. But direct traffic also has the benefit of getting converted into a repeat visitor. I would request you to go through ADULT SEO section of our website for the same., which has some great article to help you out in this matter.
What are the best places to buy adult cpc traffic ?
As I mentioned earlier, I focus on getting free organic traffic. There are many reasons behind it:
- Its free of cost
- Once you do your Adult Seo correctly, the traffic never stops. With paid traffic, it stops the moment you stop paying for it.
- It is highly targeted. I mean the person coming to your website from search engines is actually searching for the content you are offering. So the chances of him becoming a repeat visitor are epidemic.
Paid traffic is good, when you urgently need some traffic, but overall I would recommended you to avoid it and think from a long-term prospect. Although once used Juicyad and Plugrush for paid traffic, both of them are really good.
What are the best and highest paying adult advertising networks:
Well although there are many, but I will tell you the names of the ones I use and after many years of trial and error I have finalized them. I have written article about each one of theme here on this website, so would request you to read them. I have used all these myself and its my own experience that I am sharing with you here.
- Display advertisement: Juicyads is the best . (Juicyads Review – How i make $1000 per month)
- Pop-unders: Popads (Popads review – How i make $1500 per month) Popcash are the best ( Popcash review – How i make $900 per month)
- Affiliate Webcam website: Crakrevenue Review
Where can I find an comprehensive guide, guiding us on each step about making money money through adult content online? Questions like hosting, theme, settings, and everything else step by step with pics to make it easier for us?
For this reason itself I created this amazing article which will help you guide step-by-step about what steps to follow. How to Make $3500 per month from adult tube .If you follow this article carefully, soon you will be making a very good passive income just like me. And the best part is, it is very simple.
This article will cover each topic with detailed commentary and pics to help you start with your online money making journey. It also covers the mistakes which I committed and how you can avoid them to speed up the whole process. I have also posted my earnings proof to motivate you that it is very easy making money online using adult methods. This is a complete guide and its really good for a beginners who is just starting his career in the online money making journey.
Does adult traffic convert? what is your opinion about PPS (pay per signup) vs PPL (pay per lead)
Typically people are so used to the dating offers advertisements, that converting or getting people to sign-up is extremely difficult. But none the less, even am making a major chunk of my revenue from dating offers. Personally I target PPS compared with PPL. This is the best thing to choose for your income.
Which social media are best for adult/porn traffic?
I always recommend the power of social media, and it a great free platform for amazing traffic. Personally I use Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook. Youtube videos are a powerful way to drive traffic. Sometimes I also use Tumblr and Reddit as well. you can choose any social media to generate a good traffic to your website.
I know that I have not answered all the questions, but I will make these kind of post as a series, once every month I will make one such post where I answer all your queries. For the next Q/As, if you want any specific question to be answered then ask them in the comment section below.
Making money through Adult Affiliate marketing – Mistakes and tips
Creating misleading ads in your campaign
Yes there will be high CTR or click-through rate, but you have to understand that the goal is not high CTR but high conversions. Even if you have high conversions with low CTR it is the best scenario.
This is a very common mistake that newbie makes. If you create a banner that promotes a dating product with guaranteed result and no payment. But if someone clicks on the banner after loving the banner, and finds that he has to pay money then surely you will have a very high bounce off.
Not testing enough
This is a very critical part of any campaign. Testing is what you need to spend time in. Test various versions of you banners to find out which one converts the best. Going with just one banner and hoping magic will take place is a losing strategy. Test , test and test more to find the one that converts the most.
Even a small change in color scheme, CTA or copy of your banner can change the CTR and conversions by a big amount.
Testing is not just for banners but also for the landing page that you have created. Lets suppose that you have created a very Hight CTR banner, but your landing page is not enticing enough that people actually buy the product then it is all going to waste. Here A/B testing comes into play. usually avoided by newbies, but strongly recommended if you want to make it big in affiliate marketing.
Test out various version of your landing page till the time you find the one that converts the most
Not asking for help
Newbies and beginners usually avoid this but this is a big mistake that they make. Building and profiting from a successful affiliate campaign requires perseverance, smartness and testing. Not asking for help from the affiliate companys support team, affiliate manager is a recipe for disaster. you have to ask them if you have any query so they will definitely help you.
They are there to help you and guide you in making you money. Because if you make money they will make money so they will be more than happy to help you more.
Giving up too easily and moving too fast
A very common trend in affiliate marketing as well. People come in with great enthusiasm, they lose some money , curse the system and then move on. This is the worst way of starting anything. You cannot become an expert within days, its takes time, mistakes, learning’s before you start making some real cash. you must have to pay your time and efforts before getting a high income.
Above I listed few mistakes that adult affiliate marketers make when starting their affiliate marketing CPA journey. Now I will be sharing some tops that will help you get successful in this industry and create a steady source of passive income.
Learnings both self and from others
One thing i have learned and accepted is that if you want to do anything in your life, having a mentor makes it super easy and saves a lot of time.
So visit CPA blogs, forums and continuously talk to your affiliate manager. Email is your biggest weapon, so email as many people as you can find and learn from them. Politely ask for tips . See everyone loves to be acknowledged, and hence if you appreciate someone on their success and then ask for some clarifications then they will be glad to help
Not reading the rules and Regulations
Every CPA network is different and has different set of rules ad guidelines. Before starting your campaign it is very important to first understand and go through what is allowed and what is not. Instead of getting banned later this small step can save to a lot of time and energy. Affiliate network has to respect both publishers and their advertisers so make sure you do not violate any terms
Research and be smart
Since you are adding banners to drive visitors to your landing page, you must check popular adult tube websites like pornhub and see which banners are driving people where. One smart trick is to check Juicyads and see the popular website and the ad zones that are sold for high bids. Then check out the banner of these adzones and the landing pages associated with them. This alone will give you a lot of inspiration and insights on how other’s are making money and the mistakes you are doing in your adult affiliate campaign
Revenue share CPA adult offer are the best
Let’s talk why Revenue share CPA adult offer are the best. If you know even a little bit about adult CPA offers, then you know that PPL (pay per lead) and PPS (pay per signups) are the way to go for making quick bucks. if you have a good traffic in your website then these two method will makes you a good money.
Whenever someone tries their hand in adult CPA offers, the first thing they sign up for are PPL offers. Instant money for anyone and everyone who sign ups using their links. Since the visitor does not even need to enter the credit card information, this options looks lucrative and hence preferred by most newbies.
Revenue share CPA adult offer are highly ignored by most. Why focus on long-term converting leads when you can easily make approximately $2.50 per free lead you send. Honestly I was also impatient and hence always proffered the PPL leads in the beginning for the fast returns. But trust me Revenue share CPA adult offer (Revshare) are the best for long-term strategy and creating a highly successful and repeat passive income.
Let’s talk about Revshare programs a little more and how Rebills can be the best source of passive income for you
Usually associated with Camsites, they should be on your focus if you are serious in making some amazing adult passive income. Whenever someone you referred to the cam site, spends any money on that campsite, you will get a portion of the money he loads in his account (usually 15-30%). So if someone you referred to the campsite ends up spending $1,000 in one particular month, then you will easily make $150-300 without any effort
You might be thinking, there is no one with the right mindset will spend thousands of dollars on a camgirl, but trust me these big camsites are not stupid. There is an audience that is the reason they are spending so much money for their promotion. You never know when you find a lonely guy who is looking for a companionship but has thousands of dollars to spend. When emotional cords are hit, the money is the secondary thing on a person’s mind.
Some guys even spend thousands of dollars per day for the experience they receive with these camgirls. Imagine the possibilities if you can get a guy like that to sign up using the Revshare program. If you would have made the same guy signup using PPL offer, you will only make approx. $2.50 (depending on the country of the visitor) and make peace with it.
Let me tell you the motivation these people get to spend money on these webcam girls. The best thing a potential interested buyer can do is have directly and some personal connection with the hot webcam girl. For this they need to become registered member (from anonymous user). Then the net step is to become token buyer.
You will only get noticed by the camgirl if you become a tipper. Tipping the camgirl will get you noticed, you become superior then other people in the room. This whole feeling gets addictive. When the cowgirl becomes happy because of you, she will do exclusive things for you and also will perform with much higher energy.
This will result in a positive mood for the entire room and hence you will be treated like the king of the room. So when the highest tipper, empties his accounts for toke, to get that superior feeling once again, they don’t hesitate to spend that extra cash. The best part for you as a referrer is that you will get a commission of that investment every times that referred person loads up money in his account
So should I as an adult affiliate only focus on Reshape offers?
I know this question is lingering in your mind right now. The answer is very simple, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Getting good with revshare adult cam offers take time. Also in terms of conversion ratio, finding the perfect high spending visitor is very tough. Expand your portfolio as a media buyer. Since you also need instant money so that you can then put the same money into the adult media buying world again to get even better returns, (through PPL and PPS), redirect a fraction of your total traffic (lets say 15) to Reva share offers. To get really good at revshare you will need experience and highly targeted leads.
The best part is that even if you do not get a person who is spending thousands of dollars on camgirls, there are many people who spends a little less but when you accumulate a bunch of them you will easily make a decent passive income. Let’s say you have 20-30 people averaging $50-150 per month, then that can easily create a free easy passive income source for you each month. The best part is that this number will only going to increase in the future
I hope you like this article on Making money through Adult Affiliate marketing – Mistakes and tips
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