In the wake of Tumblr banning NSFW content, there’s a lot of new companies popping up as Social Media for Cam Models alternatives. There’s also a lot of clip sites and camming sites adding social elements to their network.
Instagram used to be a good choice, but recently they’ve started cracking down on a lot of things, including explicit text.
There are ways to promote through the SFW networks, but you got to be careful and you might get banned. Apps like Snapchat can also be used as a revenue stream, even though technically they don’t allow monetization or explicit content.
The best Tumblr alternative
Adult Node quickly became a popular safe haven for artists and adult content creators affected by the Tumblr ban. The site sports laid-back policies on adult content, letting artists, porn creators, and cam girls all build a following on the site. Here you can express yourself freely, share stories, photos & videos and engage with others. AdultNode is adults only playground.

Spend less time on promotion and more time making money on cam! Using social media to grow your camgirl brand and generate traffic to your cam room is an important part of being a cam model. Unfortunately, it’s easy to spend too much time on AdultNode, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. Minimize the time spent on social media for Cam Models while maximizing your return on promoting yourself with these helpful tips.
Take lots of photos
Taking one selfie at a time to post on your social media then and there is a waste of time. Set aside an hour, gather up your sexiest outfits, and take dozens of photos. I use my phone, a little tripod, and a remote shutter button to capture full-body shots and angles that the handheld selfie just can’t compete with. Use these photos as often as possible: tweets with photos get far more engagement than text-only tweets.
Spread out your retweets
A Twitter feed full of only your content will get boring quickly. It’s called social media for a reason! To reduce the amount of time you spend sharing other people’s content, use a service like Buffer. Buffer lets you save tweets for retweeting in the future, spreading out your content sharing. Spending a bit of time every few days to add future retweets to your buffer queue will keep your timeline active and varied.
Use scheduling apps
Now that you have enough photos for loads of posts, you might as well get them scheduled to go! AdultNode is the best choice, and it’s completely free. There are several options for post scheduling. I use Buffer, which has a free basic plan and does direct scheduling or push scheduling. Even you get paid to broadcast yourself with live camming in AdultNode site by paying a small amount of subscription charge.
Pick the right hashtags
A 2019 study by a social media analytics firm showed that 1 or 2 hashtags is the ideal number on Instagram and Twitter. You can go wild on Instagram, though: engagement peaks on that platform with 9 hashtags. Use hashtags that make sense relative to the photo you’ve posted to make sure that searchers find relevant content. Don’t use trending hashtags unless they make sense with the content of your posts. Look at the feeds of other models and camgirl promoters to see which hashtags are popular in the cam community.
Repeat your content
With the speed at which AdultNode timelines move, and the quirks of the Instagram algorithm, not all of your followers see all of your posts. Repeating the text content of your posts–especially posts written to promote your camming–with new photos will make sure more people see your information. Only about 5% of your followers see any given post, so repeating text more than once–or using the same photo across posts with different text–won’t overload your followers.
Turn off notifications
Avoid the temptation to open the app every time you get a like on Instagram or AdultNode by disabling social media notifications on your phone. It is very rare to have a social media notification that is time-sensitive, so not checking your phone every minute isn’t a problem. Plan times throughout the day (once is enough, believe it or not!) to check your interactions in each app, and keep the distractions to a minimum while you’re working or enjoying your free time.