Let me talk about Make $100/day uploading porn/sex pictures today. I have already shared a porn video make money method on this website, today i will tell you how to Make $100/day uploading porn/sex pictures. The method is somehow similar and i will try my best to explain it to you in as simple language as possible.
Explain me the method?
I will strongly recommend you to first check porn video upload method of making money, it will give you moe clarity on what to expect. Here are the steps for this method:
- Find hot sexy pictures
- Watermark these pictures with your affiliate link
- Upload them on the internet (sex picture upload websites)
When people will go to your affiliate offers and then sign up you will get a commission. I have written an article on this PPL vs PPS Make Money with PPL offers – Adult CPA – Adult Media Buying
Why i like this method?
Firstly this method is extremely simple to implement, any one can do this. Then, once you upload enough number of pictures, you don’t have to worry about anything, you will be making money in your sleep as well ?
How and where can i find photos to edit?
There are multiple places to find such photos.
- Google images
- Sex.com
- Porn pinning websites
- Sub Reddit
Create a folder and start adding all the photos to this folder. Try to find high quality and large photos (at least 600×600)
What kind of photos to download?
Go with popular genres, like teen, amateurs, big tits, milfs etc.
How to find adult affiliate offers?
Until now i am assuming you have purchased a hosting with free domain name , now you need an adult affiliate account to get dating offers. I have always recommended crakrevenue Crakrevenue Review and Payment proof as my personal choice for adult offers. I have been using them for last 3-4 years now and have made thousands of dollars. They are the best adult affiliate company on the internet. Click here to signup at crakrevenue Crakrevenue Review and Payment proof
Getting accepted by crakrevenue has been of much debate lately. Check my article on how to get accepted on crakrevenue How To Get Approved By CrakRevenue?
Now the money-making method is somehow like this. You will buy ads with your domain name, and then redirect your domain name to the dating offer that you will get from Crakrevenue. You will make money off people who ends up signing up to the offer. If you choose PPL then you will get close to $3 per sign up, if you choose PPS then you will get close to $40-50 per signups. Read my article here Make Money with PPL offers – Adult CPA – Adult Media Buying
How will i make money with such adult affiliate offers from Crakrevenue?
When you upload thousands of these watermarked photos on the internet, people will start entering your domain name in their address bar. They will then be redirected to your adult affiliate offer and if they end up signing up , you will get a commission. ~$3 for PPl, and ~$40-50 for PPS
What are the requirements for this method to work?
- Domain name
- Web hosting
Purchasing a domain name is a must. Although it will cost you $12-15/domain name, but if you buy a starter hosting pack at Hostgator, you will get the free domain name along with it. It will just cost you around $50 per year, so this is a small investment compared to the returns you will get. Even if you can get 2-3 signups on these dating offers, you can easily make $100-$150, so the earning potential is endless. Check my guide on how to buy Hostgator hosting
Now you must be wondering why do i need a domain name for this method?
The affiliate links are really ugly and hard to type into the browser. Buy buying a domain name, you give a very easy way for people to enter that domain name in their browser address bar. Something like www.hotgirls.com is easy to type. All you have to do is to redirect the visitor from this domain name to your adult affiliate offer.
Now many of you must be thinking about this investment of money that you need to make in hosting and the free domain. Trust me once you understand this method and once you start seeing the results or income you make, you will be thanking me. Check my article on Hostgator hosting review and then visit how to buy hostgator hosting and buy your first hosting to make money online
How shall I redirect the domain name to adult offer?
Redirecting the domain name is very simple and straightforward. If you purchased a Hostgator hosting and free domain, then you can check this article https://www.hostgator.com/help/article/url-redirect-how-to-create
Watermarking the images?
You can use any free image editing tool for watermarking, almost all of them comes with the capability of watermerking your images. Since you have more than 1000 images to watermark, doing them individually will be difficult and hence you must download a bulk watermarking software. Many of them are freely available on the internet, check them out and download one for yourself
Since these free softwares are very slow, and you have thousands of images to watermark, i will recommend buying a paid tool.
Text to watermark with?
I will ask you to test this text. Write different variations and see which text gives you maximum clicks. For something like ” Check more hot girls on 0 www.domainname.com” i get close to 10-15% click rate. Which means, for every 1000 views of the image, about 100-150 people end up going to the domain name.

What is the conversion percentage?
If you send 100 people to your affiliate link, how many actually signs up. This depends on many factors and it is hard to give an absolute number to it. But usually you can expect 2 conversions per 100 people. But i wont ask you to take this as absolute number. Some people have witnessed that even sending 1000 people only got them 2-3 conversions, so test this as well
Where to upload these watermarked pictures on the internet?
there are many places to upload these pictures. You can check my list of :
- List of Pin porn websites for adult Backlink and Seo
- Pinterest like Porn Pinning/Sharing websites for adult seo
TIP: you must add your domain name in title of the picture as well. For example, hot sexy babe dancing – check more hot girls at www.domainname.com
What should be my upload frequency?
You should target 100 photos per day. The money will start coming in just few days. The more photos you upload the better it is.
Note:Don’t do the mistake of uploading all the 1000 photos at once, the slower the better.
I hope you like this article on Make $100/day uploading porn/sex pictures