PayPal and Stripe
Facilitating payments and transactions is supposed to be the great success story of PayPal. Right from its various integration options to well-rounded features, PayPal positions itself as a go-to destination for many online sellers. Another payment platform which is seen as a furrow for the swarm of online sellers is Stripe. However, a great adulthood of the sellers agree that PayPal has an edge over Stripe. When it comes to flexibility, PayPal has an comprehensive charm. However, PayPal doesn’t support adult websites.
Has adult entertainment industry or porn industry boomed over the last decade? The answer is YES. Quite certainly, if any development regarding adult payment platforms remains in the desolation, then porn industry cannot flourish. Adult industry deals with high risk merchant accounts. For collecting payments and recurring payments. CCBill is looked larger than life in this industry. However, not many amateurs and models can afford CCBill. CCBill charges a signup fee anywhere between $500- $1000. In other words, CCBill is not cost effective. The deep question to be answered is: Is there any cost-effective alternative which does not compromise on features?

The answer is PaySimple. PaySimple is a service that can be used with pretty much any website provider. And in their terms, it does not prohibit adult content sales. To begin with, PaySimple is for all users who expect to reap the benefits of advanced billing features. Sellers need not be tech – savvy. To help merchants accept payments and bill customers, eventually track customer information, PaySimple offers a robust cloud-suite. This cloud-suite can be integrated with any shopping cart of the seller’s choice. Well, if the seller intends to not integrate it with any particular shopping cart. PaySimple can be integrated into a lustrous payment page designed to collect any kind of data.
Support and Service
For all objective and purposes, PaySimple is simply great in Support and Service department. In case you need any assistance or foundational training, you can count on the support staff. Initially, risk assessment seemed to pester the support staff. However, with every passing day, they are just getting better and better. Conciliate risk assessment, in particular, comes with its own set of funding issues. Categorically, the support staff has shown glorious signs of improvement.
Dedicated Merchant Accounts

Merchant accounts can be categorized into:
- Aggregate accounts
- Dedicated accounts
Aggregate accounts are provided by PayPal. In the case of aggregate accounts, support to a complete portfolio of companies is provided in lieu of a single merchant account. On the other hand, dedicated merchant accounts are particularly provisioned for a dedicated adult business. PaySimple provides dedicated support to dedicated merchant accounts. To get the payment set-up, a great detail of information has to be furnished. PaySimple is simply known for its prime features- Payment forms and recurring billing.
Range of Offerings
The offerings of PaySimple essentially include:
- BookSimple
- PaySimple Pro plan
- PaySimple Enterprise plan
As of now, BookSimple plan is free. However, it does not support a abundance of features such as billing automation, customer data management, transactions etc. This basic plan comes with BookSimple appointment scheduling software. For low-volume adult businesses and small businesses, PaySimple Pro plan should suffice. For high-volume merchants, PaySimple Enterprise plan is required. PaySimple Enterprise plan contains quite a good number of genuine features which are absent in PaySimple Pro plan. Despite providing services such as a robust cloud software suite, seamless payment gateway access and extraordinary customer support, PaySimple doesn’t charge any enormous rates. For certain types of card network fees such as FANF- Fixed Acquirer Network Fee, you shall share the responsibility and onus along with PaySimple.
Product and Services
Online reporting
The online reporting tool of PaySimple is simply great.
Recurring Billing
The entire billing system can be classified into two categories:
- Recurring
- Non-recurring
PaySimple offers a complete recurring billing solution. Most of the payments can be accepted through a virtual terminal. Some of the provisioning tools include mobile swiper, online payment form, and invoice.
A certain types of transactions may not be recurring. E-Invoicing feature is exceptionally useful in such cases. The online tracking system is endowed with enough provisions to check which invoices have been cleared and which are yet to be cleared. It is not appropriate to trouble your customers with uncomfortable phone calls. This E-invoicing feature can be used to send reminders to the list of payers.
Point of Sale
This may not be the core strength of PaySimple. However, PaySimple is great and provides support for storefront transactions.
Branded Communication with Customers
Be it any business, proper and branded customer communication is exigent. If you don’t treat your customers properly, you will have a tough time dealing with debt and payment collections. Customer retention and customer acquisition shall go for a big time toss. Branded communication with customers is absolutely mandatory.
Customer Information Management
Effortless tracking and storing of customer information are always on the platter.
Integration support
It is a known fact that every business uses a range of diverse software. Seamless integration of PaySimple with accounting, CRM and other software is in the store.
eCheck Payments

The landscape of payments never seems to stop evolving. Clients clear their dues and debts by paying using credit and debit cards. However, debit and credit card transactions are expensive. To do away with the expensive transactions, clients can leverage eCheck payments.
Early Termination Fee
PaySimple merchant accounts can be cancelled with no termination fee. Merchants shall not be incurring any penalty. However, they have to clear their existing dues and pay for the current month. Initially, PaySimple merchant accounts were setup with early termination penalty. Read the terms and conditions carefully. I don’t think PaySimple pampers in embezzlement of funds. However, I urge you to keep reviewing your bank statements very often.
Technical Support
Technical support staff is highly cooperative. They shall train you on every necessary aspect. Learning curve is hard to miss.
If you have any concerns regarding adult payment gateways, feel free to drop a line or two in the comments section. I shall reply in a day or two. If you are planning tobuild a porn site, do not forget to visit has a wonderful set of turnkey software that can help you start your adult website. My best wishes are with you and your adult venture. Cheers!
Nobody can beat the crypto currencies,anonymous payment for buyers,thing that options you described above don’t offer to their customers and sincerely never make that. No refunds is translated to less people trolling the owner of the bizz and in consequence get free content.
And i can list tons of pros and 0 cons of using crypto currencies in the adult bizz,i never use paypal or related services like the described above. Less secure and all time leak the info to third parties for their own benefit